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相关显示或缺欠。Relevant Indication or Imperfection.

为你的不完美和你所犯的错误庆祝一番吧!Celebrate your imperfection and your mistakes.

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最大的谎言是你美中不足的谎言。The biggest lie is the lie of your imperfection.

这批产品的残次品极少。There is a minimal quantity of imperfection in the batch.

提出了结构缺陷敏感区域的概念。The concept of the imperfection sensitive region is given.

立法的模糊与不周延更加剧了这种趋势。Furthermore, the imperfection of law aggravates this trend.

我会讨论完美主义和缺陷美。I will talk about perfectionism and the beauty of imperfection.

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门正中上方的一个小孔看上去像是材料的缺陷。A pinhole above the door's center seem an imperfection of the material.

门正中上方的一个小孔看上去像是材料的缺陷。A pinhole above the door's center seemed an imperfection of the material.

虽然外表文雅,但卡米诺人其实不能容忍任何缺陷。Though outwardly polite, the Kaminoans foster an intolerance of imperfection.

这是一个很易碎的方法因为它没有接受不完美。This is a much more brittle approach because it does not embrace imperfection.

现行彩票运行机制及涉刑时的法律缺陷。Secondly, the current lottery operating mechanism and related law imperfection.

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我们生活的这个世界里缺陷的存在不可避免,互联网也不例外。Imperfection is a part of the world we live in, and the internet is no exception.

将来能得以完全的盼望,不应令我们满足于目前的不完全。Yet let not the hope of perfection hereafter make us content with imperfection now.

我所有的痛苦就是要跟自己的不完美较劲,一旦开始,我将无法停止。All my pain comes from struggling with my imperfection – once I start, I can't stop.

不完美给我们的一生带来机遇和挑战。Imperfection provides us with opportunities and challenges throughout our whole lives.

它的健康取决于推进系统的自我教育,从持续的瑕疵中汲取营养。The health of it is forward-systemic self-education which feeds on constant imperfection.

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无论是完美的房子、工作还是朋友、爱人,最终都会趋向不完美的状态。That perfect house, job, friend, or lover will eventually fade to a state of imperfection.

钢板筒仓是一种薄壁壳体结构,对缺陷非常敏感。The steel silo is a kind of thin-wall shell structure, so it is sensitive to imperfection.

我也想,我比什么都想,但我想像不出你的复杂情绪、你的种种完美和不完美。But I can't imagine you withall your complexity, all you perfection, all your imperfection.