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给我一个机会。Give me a chance.

他没有机会上场。He has no chance.

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你的机会完了。Your chance is up.

不行。连点机会都没有。No way. Fat chance.

如果我有这个机会。If I had the chance.

他们没有机会。They have no chance.

他急忙抓住这个机会。He caught at the chance.

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我想碰碰运气。I want to chance my luck.

我们给他们这个机会。We give them this chance.

别把这次机会给搞糟了。Don't foul up this chance.

我完全傣在偶然喻见了她。I met her by sheer chance.

我给你这样一个机会。I give you this one chance.

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但这是最后的机会了。But this is the last chance.

别错过最后的机会。Don't miss your last chance.

这是你们的机会了,是的,请说?This is your chance.Yes sir?

你的机会也蛮大。you have pretty good chance.

他没有脱身机会。He had no chance to get away.

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机会难得。快去吧。It's a rare chance. Go ahead.

这对你可是黄金的发…It is a golden chance for you.

所以至少你还是有机会的。So at least you have a chance.