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我是一个很细心的人。I'm a careful man.

他们很小心。They were careful.

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去吧,要小心。Go, and be careful.

要一直跟紧我并小心猫!Be careful of the cat!

他是个细心人。He's a careful person.

这里我们须要认真一些Let's be careful here.

小心火烛!Be careful about fires!

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提供建议需谨慎。Be careful with advice.

请小心那些缆绳。Be careful of the ropes.

熨衣服时要小心。Be careful while ironing.

丽莎是一个细心的人。Lisa is a careful person.

留心你的健康。Be careful of your health.

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这可是一个大问题,你们需要注意。So you need to be careful.

那么我们必须小心。So, we have to be careful.

啊,在这里我们得小心点。Aha. Let's be careful here.

当心“是的,但是…Be careful of the yeah-but.

但你要小心了。But you have to be careful.

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先生,小心,你啲公文包!Careful sir, your briefcase!

他应多加小心。He wants to be more careful.

那就是说,要当心!That being said, be careful.