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他热切地爱着妻子。He is ardently attached to his wife.

德昂人酷爱饮茶。The Deangs like to drink tea ardently.

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他热烈追求生活中所有大大小小的乐趣。He pursued ardently all the major and minor pleasures of life.

请允许我告诉你,我多么敬慕你,多么爱你。You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.

真夜那没有结果的爱又苏醒了,再次痛苦地继续下去。Mayo's unrequited love was again ardently and painfully resuscitated.

作为一个年轻人,塞林格热切渴望的就是这样一种关注。As a young man, Mr. Salinger yearned ardently for just this kind of attention.

让我们张开双臂,热烈地拥抱,一个光辉灿烂的华语文学的春天吧!Let's open wide our arms to ardently embrace a splendid spring of the Chinese literature!

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你虽然切望世人信道,但他们大半是不信道的。Yet no faith will the greater part of mankind have, however ardently thou dost desire it.

目前“黄氏广告”正以老牌劲旅的雄姿,满怀热枕与激情迎接新的、严酷的市场竞争。At present, Huangshi Advertsement is heartedly and ardently competing in the new and grim market.

此案在韩国引发对互联网言论边界的热烈讨论。This case causes pair of Internet opinion on public affairs to discuss ardently attrib borderly in Korea.

在50年见,他们偷了24万偷鹿并且因此让科里亚克族人更热衷语打渔和狩猎。During 50 years they stole about 240.000 deers and thus made the Koryaks fish and hunt even more ardently.

我发现我越来越热衷于宣扬透明度,从博客到BBC,最后到所有的传播方式。I find that I’m advocating it more and more ardently in all kinds of communication, from blogs to the BBC.

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但是奥巴马并没有提及乌克兰,与格鲁吉亚一样,乌克兰加入北约的愿望也被俄罗斯强烈反对。There was no mention of Ukraine, whose admission to Nato Moscow ardently rejects along with that of Georgia's.

渐渐地,一个叫曾旭的陌生人,他的温柔、浪漫和热烈敲开了王彤的心门。Gradually, one calls Ceng Xu's stranger, his tenderness, romance and the heart door that beat Wang Tong ardently.

清晨,巴德丽姨妈会光着脚跟他走到车库,热烈的亲吻他的脸颊和髭须。In the mornings aunt Badri would follow him barefoot to the garage, ardently kissing him on his cheeks and mustache.

首先,本报坚决支持言论自由,即便有些言论是可疑的、可恨的,或者是可笑的。This newspaper ardently supports the right to free speech, even when that speech is controversial, hateful or ignorant.

这些天里,窗外是多么的热烈!不过现在,我觉得自己的生活有说不出的空虚。How ardently days! In these days, on the outside of the window, but on the other side, now, I feel my life unspeakably empty.

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“牛仔神话”即美国西部故事,是深受美国乃至世界各国人们喜爱的一种大众文学。Cowboy Myth, also the American Western Story, is a popular literature ardently loved by the Americans and the whole world as well.

因为他曾热烈地爱过她,他深怕自己会被她的恳求软化,就回忆起他当时受苦的情形来帮助自己坚定仇恨。The count, fearing to yield to the entreaties of heR he had so ardently loved, called hi sufferings to the assistance of his hatred.

居里对玛丽展开了热烈追求并好几次向她求婚,两人最终于1895年结了婚,他们举世闻名的伙伴关系就此开始。Curie ardently wooed Marie and made several marriage proposals. They were finally married in 1895 and began their famous partnership.