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布什执政时,他有着出色的表现He's brilliant at Bush.

好酒不怕巷子深。Good wine needs no bush.

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那是我至爱的杜鹃花。I loved that azalea bush.

我非常喜欢那丛杜鹃花。I loved that azalea bush.

布什主义能走多远?Can the Bush doctrine last?

我住在布什大街552号三楼B座。I live at 3B, 552 Bush Street.

幸运的是,他掉下时有灌木挡了一下。Luckily a bush broke his fall.

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像野丛林花一般的清香。Fresh as the wild bush flowers.

螵虫在灌木上爬。The ladybug crawls on the bush.

啊,测试答案为否了,因此我返回5,对,没错。It's Bush economics. OK? I know.

灌木丛长出了新枝。New shoots appeared on the bush.

有粉色到紫色花的矮树。This bush flowers in the autumn.

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布殊先生,我们反对这场战争。We are against this war Mr Bush.

当不了树就做一丛灌木。Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

把轴瓦油路润色一下。Dress up the oil way of the bush.

灌木丛上覆盖一层雪。The bush was varnished with snow.

野兔从灌木丛中突然窜了出来。The rabbit started from the bush.

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落叶灌木或小乔木。Deciduous leaf bush or small tree.

布什又在电视上讲话了。E. g. Bush is talking on tv again.

鸫鸟经常在那个灌木丛中筑巢。Blackbirds often nest in that bush.