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处于野性或未驯服的状态。The state of being wild or untamed.

因此,网络空间是在许多方面,一个蛮荒的边界。Therefore, the cyberspace is in many ways, an untamed frontier.

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这是我第一次到非洲,这是一个充满梦想的地方,粗犷而野性。It was my first trip to Africa, the land of dreams, rugged and untamed.

人们有心要宽恕都怕它死性不改,再咬一口那可真的没命了。People are afraid of this untamed beast as one more bite from it will be fatal.

这样的一颗心是未经调伏、训练的,受着虚荣和固执的困扰。Such a mind is untamed and untrained, obsessed by its own vanity and obstinacy.

这些银行仍像以前一样运营,其信贷衍生品也依旧难以操控。The banks are still operating as before and derivatives are still largely untamed.

释放自己的灵魂,你就会成为桀骜不逊的太初之兽。Unleash your own spirit, and you will become the Primal Beast, uncaged and untamed.

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在堪察加半岛蛮荒的边疆,偷猎让俄罗斯熊处于危险之中。In the untamed frontier of the Kamchatka Peninsula, poaching keeps the bears at risk.

与阿富汗社会出现的更大混乱相比,一条雪豹的死亡或许无足轻重,但是对许多阿富汗人来讲,雪豹是他们民族桀骜不驯精神的象征。But for many Afghans, the snow leopard is a symbol of the country's spirit of untamed wildness.

大多数的中国年轻人像伦敦的推特网和脸谱网用户一样愤愤不平。Most Chinese young men are just as untamed as Twitterers and Facebookers seem to be in Britain.

与保守激进主义者一样,今天自由主义的绅士们,将还没有被驯服的中产阶级视为他们真正的敌人。Like the Tory Radicals, today’s liberal gentry see the untamed middle classes as the true enemy.

它曾是这个国家的心脏地带,蕴含着不安分的,不受驾驭的野性力量,遥远、坚毅、不屈不挠却又宏伟壮丽。Exuding a restless, untamed energy, the heart of the country is at once remote, remorseless and magnificent.

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野外扎营就是在非专门露营地的地方扎营,常常是在荒僻的乡野。Wild camping is when you pitch your tent in a non-campsite environment, usually in an untamed rural location.

呵,我的信仰,我难以驯服的真知!我如何才能飞到你的高度,与你同观印画在空中的人的“我”?My faith, my untamed knowledge, how shall I fly to your height and see with you man's larger self pencilled upon the sky?

他们很清楚如果恐惧之王仍逍遥法外,人类世界就谈不上什么真正意义上的长久和平。They knew that if the Lord of Terror was left untamed there could never be any lasting peace within the realm of humanity.

呵,我的信仰,我难以驯服的真知!我如何才能飞到你的高度,与你同观印画在空中人的“我”?O my faith , my untamed knowledge, how shall I fly to your height and see with you man's larger self penciled upon the sky?

呵,我的信仰,我难以驯服的真知!我如何才能飞到你的高度,与你同观印画在空中的人的“大我”?O my faith, my untamed knowledge, how shall I fly to your height and see with you man's larger self pencilled upon the sky?

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混乱之龙是“原始未驯化的潜能”,其千变万化的身躯蕴含着原始混乱的无尽能量。The Dragon of Chaos is "raw untamed potential", primordial chaos in its inexhaustible energy and infinite variety of forms.

呵,我的信仰,我难以驯服的真知!我如何才能飞到你的高度,与你同观印画在空中的人的“我”?Oh my faith, my untamed knowledge, how shall I fly to your height and see with you man's larger self pencilled upon the sky?

导师的关爱,是每一堂课那慈爱一眸的瞬那,是我们一生一世经验世界和永生永世理念世界的不灭时光。Tutor's care is the glim of her eyes, and the untamed light of all our life in the experience world and a eternal ideal world.