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他在兑奖售物活动中赢得了一辆汽车。He won a car in the raffle.

我的运气来了--在有奖抽彩中我得了一辆新汽车。My luck's in I won a new car in a raffle.

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一张收据可以得到一张抽奖券。A free raffle ticket is given with every receipt.

抽奖销售的头奖是两个人到巴黎度假旅游。First prize in the raffle is a holiday for two in Paris.

在公司新春年会上,郭台铭设置了抽奖节目。At the company's Chinese New Year party, Gou holds a raffle.

我们只是要在随机抽奖中选择少数人赶走。We're just going to raffle them off by selecting a few people at random.

在那儿乞丐中彩得了钞票,杰克被那巨奖迷惑得神魂颠倒。Where the beggars raffle the banknotes and the giant is enchanting to Jack.

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你知道,抽奖券或糖果或其他一些戈得帮助“事业”筹钱?You know, raffle tickets or candy or some other goody to help "the cause" raise money?

而举办方为等待的粉丝们也准备了丰富的抽奖奖品。Fans were lined outside the store! But there were many raffle prizes for everyone waiting.

我们的调查参与者中抽奖三项免费的反恶意软件的完整版本。Once a month, we raffle three free full versions of Anti-Malware among the survey participants.

演出入场时凭票可以得到一个抽奖的票。请观看时保留。You will get a raffle ticket at the door of the show. Please keep it for the lucky draw during the show.

售卖奖券款项不能申请免税。收据只发予阁下惠來之额外捐款。Raffle ticket sales are not tax deductible. Receipts will only be issued for additional donations enclosed.

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克隆自己十倍的无性雌性生物就像某人购买十张彩票,每张都有着相同的数字。An asexual female who clones herself ten times is like someone who buys ten raffle tickets, each with the same number.

五月阳光明媚,鸟语花香,是烧烤的好季节。我们决定组织一次烧烤聚会,包括游戏及抽奖活动,欢迎各位朋友及家庭成员参加!We are organizing a BBQ party with games and raffle at the end of May. We invite you or your family or your friends to join us.

终于睡着后,我做了那个同样不堪回味的恶梦,在梦里,一头旱獭想领走我在某次有奖销售中的奖品。When I finally did fall asleep, I had that same hideous nightmare in which a woodchuck is trying to claim my prize at a raffle.

为了对我“精明的”建议表示回报,他给了我一张兑奖券,这是我在埃尔姆街餐馆里得到的唯一一笔律师咨询费。In return for my wise counsel, he gave me the only fee I ever received for legal advice in the Elm Street Diner, a raffle ticket.

当时他脱下鞋子,并在捐款单上签字,然后就到更衣室去穿袜子了。"He took the shoes off his feet, signed them and walked to the locker room in his socks, " said TV analyst Stu Lantz, who emceed the raffle.

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据法新社报道,委内瑞拉一反对党成员为了给下月举行的国会选举筹募竞选基金,竟搞起了隆胸抽奖活动。An opposition candidate in next month's Venezuelan legislative elections is holding a breast implant raffle to fund his campaign, AFP reported.

凯特手掌里,露丝的手潮潮的,她们看着两个打扮成仙女的小孩跑过,跑在前面的那个手里挥舞着一张长长的抽奖券。Ruthie's hand rests damply in hers, and together they watch two scrappy fairies race by, the swifter one waving a long string of raffle tickets.

凯特手掌里,露丝的手潮潮的,她们看着两个打扮成仙女的小孩跑过,跑在前面的那个手里挥舞着一张长长的抽奖券。Ruthie’s hand rests damply in hers, and together they watch two scrappy fairies race by, the swifter one waving a long string of raffle tickets.