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他行动快如闪电。He moved like lightning.

闪电光辉夺目。The lightning was vivid.

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雷电再次闪击。The lightning struck again.

我们可以下一场快棋赛。We can have a lightning game.

他的目光犹如一道闪电。His eyes glared like lightning.

电闪是一个之字形。The lightning bolt is a zigzag.

你是快如闪电工人吗?Are you a lightning fast worker?

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闪电击中希腊卡瓦拉。Lightning strikes Kavala, Greece.

电光一闪是跳线。A flash of lightning hit the tree.

闪电在空中奋笔。And lightning scrawled on the sky.

闪电把树劈成两半。Lightning tore the tree in sunder.

你会看到电闪,听到雷鸣。You see lightning and hear thunder.

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神明发出了雷声和闪电。A god emitted lightning and thunder.

黑暗的天空中,电闪雷鸣。The dark sky, thunder and lightning.

闪电结婚现在流行吗?The lightning marriage prevails now?

他们被闪电吓住了。A flash of lightning frightened them.

打闪过后就响起雷声。After the lightning came the thunder.

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我的名字是闪电博尔特。My name is Lightning Bolt, " he said.

闪电把孩子吓哭了。The lightning caused the baby to cry.

老树让雷劈了。The old tree was struck by lightning.