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湖面上昨夜结了一层冰。Ice crusted the lake last night.

在暟暟的白雪里,我听见祂的脚声。I hear His steps on the crusted snow.

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雪在夜晚结成一层冰。The snow crusted over during the night.

瞧,浆糊都嘎巴在你袖子上了。Look , the paste has crusted on your sleeve.

在皮肤表面,可以看到外皮痂形成的病变。Crusted lesions were seen on all skin surface.

液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over.

已结痂的病损可以认为是治愈或无活动的。Lesions which have crusted fully are considered healed and not active.

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我的胡须和衣服上都是沙子,我的浑身酸痛。My beard and clothes are crusted with sand, my body is sore and aching.

黑胡椒牛柳,红酒沙司,蘑菇饼,和炸蔬菜条。Pepper crusted beef tenderloin, red wine jus, mushroom flan, and vegetable fries.

岁月,已经是那样古老了。古老得就像茶马古道上的漫漫征途。Ages, have been such crusted . Likes a boundless journey on Tea-Horse ancient roadway.

对于第前者,我觉得烘焙黑椒鸡翅是个不错的选择。For the first option, I might be tempted by these oven-baked Panko- Crusted Pepper-Parmesan Wings.

林瑞给了她一件挂满珍珠、翡翠、珊瑚和宝石的美丽衣服。Llyr gave her a beautiful dress crusted with pearls and sea jade and coral and other ocean jewels.

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血流分分秒秒不息,那是一个永远无法结痂的伤口,每每触及,疼依然如初。Blood every minute does not cease, it is a never crusted wound, whenever I touch, pain is still unabated.

他的脸和睫毛都凝上了一层冰冻的海水,他的帽子上有四寸厚的硬邦邦的冰。His face and eyelashes were crusted with frozen spray, and there were four inches of solid ice on his hat.

倒入模具中,放入烤箱约7-8分钟,直至中央抛起并形成酥皮。立即食用。Spoon into soufflé dish. Bake in middle of oven until puffed and crusted on top, 7-8minutes. Serve immediately.

他将冻得通红的手从口袋里拿出来,弯下腰,将冰雪覆盖的金属扣又重新扣上。Lenny took his bare red hands out of his pockets and bent down to refasten the snow- crusted , icy metal clasps.

倒入烤盘中,放入烤箱烤25分钟左右,直至中央抛起并形成酥皮。Spoon the mixture into a baking dish. Bake in middle of oven until puffed and crusted on top, for about 25 minutes.

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吵闹的音乐从闪着蓝光的酒吧里渗出来,霓虹灯光洒在结冰的人行道上,小巷则洒上了一层道路用盐。Loud music seeps from blue-glowing bars, neon light spills onto icy sidewalks, the lanes are crusted with road salt.

公司生产50多种罗非鱼肉产品,例如柠檬胡椒罗非鱼和椰子罗非鱼。The company's products include over 50 types of tilapia meals such as Lemon Pepper Tilapia and Coconut Crusted Tilapia.

当代艺术并不缺少想象力,因为当代艺术家鄙视没有创造和因循守旧的东西。The temporary arts are in no lack of imagination, because the temporary artists despise the crusted and uncreative works.