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亲切是指和他人愉快相处的个性倾向。Agreeableness ---The tendency to get along well with other people.

生态美具有生命性、宜人性、全人类性的性质。Ecological beauty is characteristic of life, agreeableness and humanity.

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对于社交能力和外向性,被试与他们的朋友们大体上保持一致的看法。For agreeableness and extraversion people were generally in agreement with their friends.

这通常表现为神经过敏、性格缺乏外向和随合的表现。This is typically characterised by neuroticism, and lack of extraversion and agreeableness.

最后,外向性和宜人性对社交偏好均有显著的正向预测作用。At last, Extraversion and Agreeableness can predict positive internet social service significantly.

除了他那些熟人的偶然趣事之外,他还讲了一些别的事情,那是讲给范妮听的。For Fanny, somewhat more was related than the accidental agreeableness of the parties he had been in.

这表现了日本人的一些优良品质,如日本人团结一致的面貌。This has given rise to some commendable traits, such as an appearance of agreeableness among Japanese.

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其中外倾性,宜人性是预测大学生竞争态度的稳定因素。And extraversion and agreeableness are the stable factors to the competition attitude of undergraduates.

宜人性高而神经质低的人更容易建立令人满意且稳定的人际关系。People who score high on agreeableness and low on neuroticism tend to have more satisfying and stable relationships.

其余人格特质的高低程度对组织行为三项因素的影响皆不显著。The personality trait of extroversion, agreeableness and openness has significant positive influence on action loyalty.

再者,员工满意与经验取样的正效应的相互作用也预示着组织成员行为。Second, cross-level interaction between agreeableness and positive affect predicted organizational citizenship behavior.

这表明,学生往往会适当地牺牲他们的分数来把他们自己表现得更加认真。It showed that students tended to sacrifice their scores on agreeableness in order to present themselves as more conscientious.

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另外,一些位于遗传物质内,或者和生理节奏基因密切的标记,和一个人的和蔼可亲的个性品质相关。Several snips of genetic material located within or close to the CLOCK gene were linked with the personality trait of agreeableness.

团队知识分享对外倾性歧异度、严谨性歧异度与团队效能的关系具有中介作用。In addition, team knowledge sharing is a mediator between extraversion diversity, agreeableness elevation and team cooperation satisfaction.

他们建议,可以通过审核应聘人员推荐信和进行人格测试的方法来剔除那些“不合群、情绪不稳定”的候选者。Researchers recommend checking references and administering personality tests to weed out those who are "really low on agreeableness and emotional stability."

每组同时也进行了性格测试,借以评估他们的冲动性、同理心、开放程度、责任感、外向程度、友善程度及神经质程度。Each group was also given personality tests to evaluate their impulsiveness, empathy, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

爱丁堡的研究者也发现在神经质——担心和紧张——刻度上,年龄较大的研究参与者分数比年轻人的低,而愉快度更高。The Edinburgh researchers, too, found that older study participants scored lower than younger ones on scales of neuroticism —worry and nervousness —and higher on scales of agreeableness.

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个性特征测量则是以被普遍接受的“大五”人格模型为基础,包括经验开放性、自觉性、外向性、随和性以及神经质。Personality traits was based off the generally accepted model known as the Big Five, which includes openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

在交谈结束后,参与者依据5个个性因素—开放性、责任感、外向性、宜人性和神经质来给其他人评级。After each chat, the participants rated the other person's physical attractiveness and five major personality traits -- openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.