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或是46至67之间的数Or between 46 and 67?

我们两人把它平分吧。Divvy it up between us.

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这些女性年龄层次在20-50之间。The age is between 20-50.

在夜暗和黎明之间。Between the dark and dawn.

小人物和小人物的战争。War between small potatos.

在两者之间的这段时间你做些什么What do you do in between?

但阅读字里行间。But read between the lines.

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你的唇齿之间。Between your lips and teeth.

最好的年龄在18岁到25岁之间的。Your age between 18-25 year.

两个路由器之间的标识?Airprint between two routers?

他们间产生了友情。Friendship grew between them.

和一个连接它们的阀门。There's a valve between them.

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汤姆在露茜和莉莉中间。Tom is between lucy and lily.

朋友间不分彼此。Between friends all is common.

我们合力把鱼拖上岸来。Between us we landed the fish.

我们把钱平分了吧。Divvy up the money between us.

五月在四月和六月之间。May is between April and June.

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换向片之间的云母。The mica between the segments.

两个问题中选一个。A choice between two questions.

你的眉目之间。Between your eyes and eyebrows.