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你能跟我们讲讲肉品市场区吗?Can you tell us about the Meatpacking District?

肉品市场区在第14街的西边。The Meatpacking District is around 14th street west.

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我正走向我在肉库区的工作室。I was walking to my studio in the meatpacking district.

你能给我们推荐一家肉品市场区的饭店吗?Can you recommend a restaurant in the Meatpacking District?

就拿肉品市场区来说吧,那里从前很荒芜。In terms of the Meatpacking District, it used to be very bare.

这一幕在纽约肉品市场区拍摄的剧情中,米帅还逮了一嫌疑犯哦。Shot in the meatpacking district, Wentworth got a chance to rough up a suspect!

是的。肉品市场区,对我来说,肉品加工就像一个肉类市场。Yeah. Meatpacking District, for me, the idea of meatpacking was like a meat market.

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亨利·福特把肉类包装厂的生产线的技术应用到他的汽车组装线上。Henry Ford adapted his automobile assembly-line technologies from meatpacking plant assembly lines.

米勒把大部分的时间花在他新买的顶楼住宅中,地点在纽约时髦的肉品市场区。Miele spends most of his time in his new penthouse apartment in New York's trendy meatpacking district.

芝加哥曾经以肉类加工工业著称,现今城市的经济重心则是金融、船运以及钢铁冶炼工业。Once known for its meatpacking industry, the city today runs on finance, shipping, and iron and steelworks.

发酵剂以其具有独特的生理功能,被广泛应用于肉制品中。The meat starter culture is widely applied in the meatpacking because of its unique physiological function.

此外,游客们也被邀请到维特拉的肉类加工区的陈列室里为他们所喜爱的装饰作品投票。In addition, visitors to Vitra's Meatpacking District showroom were invited to vote for their favorite vignette.

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纽约市地标图片。光滑的有计划的海上的酒店在时尚的切尔西坐落两个街区恰好时尚的肉类加工厂以北。The sleekly designed Maritime Hotel in hip Chelsea sits two blocks north of the even hipper Meatpacking District.

因为运输成本的下降,一些重要领域,比如肉类加工业和钢铁业才逐渐变得产业高度集中化。Key industries, including meatpacking and steel, became highly concentrated in response to the reduced cost of transportation.

这样,它就可以用来鉴别液体中微量的爆炸物质或者肉类加工厂车间内的致命细菌。As a result, it can be used to identify minute quantities of explosives in liquids or deadly bacteria on a table in a meatpacking plant.

在八月的一个夜晚,穿着细高跟鞋的年轻女孩们摇摇晃晃地走在曼哈顿肉品加工区的鹅卵石路上。ON a recent August night, young women in stilettos teetered precariously through the cobblestone streets of the meatpacking district in Manhattan.

“这里比肉类加工区有趣多了。”菲尔普斯女士这样说,作为一个加州北部的土著,她认为自己是“一个真正的哈林人”。"It's much more interesting here than the meatpacking district, " said Ms. Phelps, a Northern California native who considers herself "a true Harlemite. "

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未来几年,我国肉类加工业将进入一个新的稳定成长期,完成由老成熟行业向新朝阳行业的转换和过渡。In the future years, the meatpacking industry will have a new stationary growth term, and will change from an old industry to a new quick developing industry.

肉类加工废水是造成有机污染尤其氮污染的最大工业污染源之一。The waste water caused by meatpacking is one of the biggest industrial resources that make the effect of organically pollution, especially nitrogen pollution.

1996年,移民局执法官员来到肉类加工厂,逮捕了99名不具备在美国合法工作许可的拉美裔工人。Then, in 1996, INS enforcement officials came to the meatpacking plant and arrested 99 Hispanic workers who did not have legal documentation to work in the United States.