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但是欧文不应该是替补演员。But Owen is not an understudy.

当一个人爱上了爱情,你就成了他爱情的替身。When he fells for love, the understudy of love you are.

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他是查理·卓别麟美国巡演期间的替角儿。He was an understudy to Charlie Chaplin on a tour of the USA.

这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。The star actor was ill, so his understudy had to alternate for him.

这位明星演员病了,因而他的替角必须代他演出。The star actor was ill, so his understudy had to alternate for him.

当这部剧的主演摔坏了腿时,她的替角流下了鳄鱼的眼泪。When the play's star broke her leg her understudy wept crocodile tears.

当主角生病时,替补终于得到了第一次大好机会。When the star was taken ill, the understudy finally got her first big break.

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但是我相信我们的每一个年轻门将都有能力作范德萨的替补。But I would have great belief in any of our young keepers to understudy Edwin.

当明星正在疗养光复强壮时,她的角色由候补演员代庖。While the star is recuperating from her illness her role will be played by her understudy.

当明星正在休养恢复健康时,她的角色由修补演员代替。While the star is recuperating from her illness, her role will be played by her understudy.

当明星正在休养恢复健康时,她的角色由候补演员代替。While the star is recuperating from her illness, her role will be played by her understudy.

曼联的守门员教练托尼-科顿说范德萨替补的位置接受开放的竞争。United's goalkeeping coach Tony Coton says the position of Edwin van der Sar's understudy is up for grabs.

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在近几个赛季他逐渐成了塞尔吉奥的替补,不过在上赛季他为罗马队共出场了16次。He has been understudy to Julio Sergio in recent seasons, but made 16 league appearances for Roma last term.

雷纳认为目前他在国家队的处境与卡瓦雷利在安菲尔德替补角色相似。Reina feels his situation with the Spanish national team is similar to that of his Anfield understudy Diego Cavalieri.

长久以来,英超冠军对贝蒂斯的当家球星华金抱有浓厚爱好,并希得到望后者,但现在看来他们更有可能签下华金的替代者。The English champions have long been linked with a move for Betis' star man Joaquin, but now they may make a move for his understudy.

库兹扎克在2006年从西布朗租借来到曼联,随后正式加盟,他在曼联已经做了范德萨的替补很长一段时间。Kuszczak has spent most of his time with United as Van der Sar's understudy after arriving from West Brom, initially on loan, in 2006.

在塞雷尼与拉齐奥新合同谈判告吹之后,米兰准备给他提供一份合约,让他在下赛季担任迪达的替补。New contract talks between Sereni and Lazio have collapsed and Milan are ready to offer him a deal to become understudy to Dida next season.

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在做了阿木的替补两个赛季后,这次可能手术的消息对法比来说是个坏消息。After two seasons plying his trade as understudy to Spaniard Manuel Almunia the news of a possible operation will come as bad news for Fabianski.

卡皮普,37岁的格林希望自己能够首发,贝克则热切盼望自己大部分时间能作为替补出场。With the release of Daunte Culpepper, the 37-year-old Green is expected to start, and Beck said he's eager to make the most of his time as an understudy.

卡拉格已经入选了英格兰德国世界杯23人大名单,但他可能要排在里奥费迪南德和约翰特里之后。Carragher has been named in the England 23 for the World Cup in Germany but is likely to start the tournament as understudy to Rio Ferdinand and John Terry.