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辛迪和布鲁克都成长在富裕的环境。Both Cindy and Brook live in opulent circumstances.

她被描绘成住在一座豪华宫殿的房间中。She is depicted in a room within an opulent palace.

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公爵还在附近为自己建了一座豪华的宫殿。The duke built an opulent palace for himself nearby.

现在我们来了解一下这位神奇企业家的炫彩生活。We took a look into the opulent life of this incredible entrepreneur.

他住在塔图因沙漠中一座虽受风沙侵蚀但依旧豪华的宫殿里。He lived in an opulent if sand-scarred palace out in the Tatooine deserts.

有着浓郁的成熟苹果、石果的果香以及植物果实的混合香气。Opulent and complex, with ripe apple, stone fruit and floral fruit character.

其实这些想法从豪华车少之又少是电动的例子便可见一斑了。But less opulent examples of luxury cars going electric were also in evidence.

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与此同时,PaulRudd在一家豪华酒店的大厅接电话。Meanwhile, Paul Rudd receives a telephone callin the lobby of an opulent hotel.

狄甘甜白酒丰富,浓郁具有惊人的陈年潜力。Yquem has unbelievable aging potential. Because it is so rich, opulent and sweet.

贾巴钟爱的“凯坦纳号”是雍容华贵和粗俗堕落的古怪结合体。Jabba's beloved Khetanna was an odd mixture of opulent splendor and crude depravity.

北京为它丰厚的宫殿是显耀的、寺庙和宏大的石墙和门。Beijing is renowned for its opulent palaces, temples, and huge stone walls and gates.

旺季赋予水果丰富的甜度,充分成熟的葡萄产生大量柔和的单宁。The opulent sweetness of peak-season, fully-ripe fruit brings about abundant yet soft tannins.

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酒浆富含浓郁的莓子水果味和紫罗兰的气味,伴有微妙的橡木香味。The bouquet is opulent with strong berry fruits and hints of violet, enhanced with subtle French Oak.

尽管木岛住的是一套租来的廉价公寓,但据报道称,她在博客里描述了自己奢华的生活方式。Though she lived in a cheap rented flat, Kijima reportedly wrote about her opulent lifestyle on her blog.

整个展区空旷而安详,辅以若干立式喷泉,给人以美的享受。The space itself is opulent and serene, complete with a burbling fountain—one of several in these galleries.

马瑙斯坐落在亚马逊河畔,里约内格罗河在这里同亚马逊河交汇,该镇成了橡胶贸易的繁华中心。Manaus, situated on the Amazon where it is met by the Rio Negro, became the opulent heart of the rubber trade.

剧院里头有许多华丽的装饰,并且还有许多马戏团的动物、潜水的马匹、美食、还有500人的合唱团。It featured lavish spectacles complete with circus animals, diving horses, opulent sets, and 500-member choruses.

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在19世纪,来自纽约的富裕家庭在纽波特建豪宅,今天仍然有很多遗留下来的绘图。In the 19th century, rich families from New-York built in Newport opulent mansions that today remain a major draw.

另外,大部分律师事务所还有其他办公室,而且大部分工作是在这些不怎么华丽的办公室里完成的。Moreover, there are back rooms at most law firms, where much of the real work is done, that aren’t nearly so opulent.

年勃艮第的天气非常温暖、干燥,生产出继2009年以来最为丰腴、肥美的白葡萄酒。The very warm, dry growing season of 2015 yielded Burgundy's fleshiest, most opulent white wines since at least 2009.