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询问就餐者是否准备点菜了。Asking if a diner is ready to order.

所以,我们都不喜欢这的菜?So none of us ever liked this diner?

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1981年,他在一家餐厅的停车场再度被捕。He was rearrested in a diner parking lot in 1981.

这家“品味”餐车还延续着另一个惯例。The Tastee Diner also continues another tradition.

晚饭我吃了熏肉和鸡蛋,喝了啤酒。At the diner I have bacon and eggs and another beer.

九月,TED和我在我办公室附近的一个小餐馆会面。In September, TED and I met at a diner near my office.

一个饥饿的用餐者很快会变成一个相当探索精神的人。A hungry diner can quickly become a more adventuresome one.

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杰克·尼科尔森在一家小餐馆点了一份面包,被拒绝了。Jack Nicholson is refused a side order of toast at a diner.

“罗伊的餐馆”位于佐治亚州罗斯维尔市高速公路旁边。Right by the highway in Rossville, Georgia, is Roy's Diner.

位于马里兰州的“品味”餐车开业于1935年。The Tastee Diner in Maryland opened in nineteen thirty-five.

这栋房子有一个卧室、浴室、盥洗室、小厨房、小饭厅。It's one-bedroom, bathroom, toilet, kitchenette, small diner.

南森已经在这家“品味”餐车里面做了十年的厨师了。Nathan has worked as a cook at the Tastee Diner for ten years.

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博格·蒂雷尔也经常光顾一家名叫“德克斯餐馆”的科科镇餐饮店。She also frequented the CoCo Town eatery known as Dex's Diner.

每个饭馆里的服务生都对带着情绪的用餐者唯恐避之不及。Every restaurant server dreads the arrival of an unhappy diner.

家庭式餐馆提供的传统美食和更多。The family-style diner offers traditional Greek cuisine and more.

在雅致的光线之下,自然而然带给食客红润好气色。In the elegant light, it naturally brings diner good complexion ruddy.

站街女经常走进餐馆,喝杯咖啡暖暖身子。The streetwalkers often came into the diner to get coffee and warm up.

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我们当即决定午餐的时候还在那里碰面,但他再也没有出现。We agreed to meet back at the diner for lunch, but he never showed up.

“我有一张在街道那头新开餐馆为一半吃饭的客人的优惠券。”有点不通,呵呵。I've got a coupon for half-off diner at that new restaurant down the street.

不会餐时吃饭的人少,会餐时吃饭的人多。Know nothing about meal the diner be little, while dine together diner many.