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高低温湿热试验箱。High and low temperature-humidity test chamber.

这间老宅子一年四季都是温湿的。It is wild, and humid all year around in this old house.

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玻璃和PC板温室灌溉,通风,降温湿系统。Glass and PC board greenhouse irrigation, ventilation, cooling wet system.

竹类植物在温湿的环境中才能生根发芽。Bamboo plants need the sightly wet coolness of a forest in which to sprout.

通过使用适量的催化剂可使一般异氰酸酯胶粘剂实现常温湿固化。Adding proper catalyzer will make the normal isocyanate resin to set with moisture at room temperature.

从大气边界层温湿特征的模拟,讨论模式的设计和处理。The scheme of the atmospheric boundary layer model is discussed in simulating the thermodynamic character.

时值春天,我降下车窗,笼罩在夜间的宁静之中,空气带着野间绿草温湿的清爽吹进车里,我全身心地感受着夜的魅力。It was spring, and I would wind the window down, let the night-time in, let the air carry all that damp green wildness.

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在温湿图上,如果空气降温处理过程穿越了饱和线,就可能发生“不良”结霜的问题。Unfavorable frost forms if the coil air approach line crosses into the super-saturated region on a psychrometric chart.

这两个地方都是以夏日高温湿热而闻名的,因此张卓姚十分享受惠普实验室的帕罗奥图校园区的舒适气候。Both places are known for their intensely humid summers, so Zhang's been enjoying interning in Palo Alto's mellower climate.

温湿的海绵浴就可以了,而且尽管人们之间少了一些芬芳的气息,至少汽车排放的烟尘都消失了。Lukewarm sponge baths will do, and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity, the automobile fumes are gone.

由于环境温湿状态易发生变化,因此请保持产品勿结露,因为产品结露会引起产品的性能严重劣化。Please note that dew gathering in the panel due to abrupt temperature or humidity change, etc. May cause deterioration of performance.

在高速公路建设中,垫层是一种改善路基温湿状况,提高土基回弹模量的有效手段。In highway construction, the cushion is an improvement roadbed temperature and humidity, increasing the soil-Modulus of effective means.

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按照灭菌的效率,温湿加热法和其他各种灭菌方法都不能被认为可以有效的对抗阮病毒。In terms of the efficacy of disinfection, moist heat and various disinfection methods are not considered to be effective against prions.

可见暴雨发生前后近地层风温湿场有明显的变化,降水前湍流活动增强。That is, obvious changes of the physical quantity field occur before and after rainstorm, the turbulence heightens ahead of the rainstorm.

本文研究了利用多通道地基微波辐射计测量大气温湿廓线的原理和反演技术。Atmospheric temperature and humidity profile measurements and retrievals by multi-channel ground based microwave sounders are investigated.

圆网干燥装置在生产过程中,排出大量的低温湿热空气,造成能源的大量浪费。The cylinder moulding drier caused a plenty of energy wastefulness by outgoing a great deal of low temperature and moist heat air during production.

第四纪冷干与温湿气候的交替和由此产生的成壤过程变化,是造成黄土地层工程物理性质波动变化的根本原因。The primary cause is the alternation of cold-arid climate and warm-moist climate in Quaternary period and the induced change of soil-formation processes.

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由于家蚕人工饲料是在温湿的环境中应用的,饲料易引起腐败,因而饲料中必须添加防腐剂。Because the silkworm artifical feed is used in the warm and moist environment, the feed becomes putrid easily. So it is necessary to add antiseptics in the feed.

在这个“温湿”的第一个时期之后,随着火山爆发,喷出硫磺,产生氧化,并形成腐蚀性的酸雨,火星的表面开始发生剧烈的变化。Following this first "warm and wet" period, the face of Mars began to change drastically as volcanoes belched out sulfur, oxidized, and formed corrosive acid rain.

目前,地铁站内气流组织方式和温湿环境日益成为地铁环控系统设计关注的焦点。With the development of the MTR, air distribution and thermal environment in the subway station have increasingly become a focus in MTR environment control design.