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拖上来的只是些水藻。Drag up just some of the algae.

那么水藻到底是如何进入胚胎里的呢?So how might the algae enter the embryos?

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湖中水藻滋蔓。Algae grow and spread quickly in the lake.

如今废弃的沙滩只剩几片水藻,还有一艘破船在岸边停靠。And a piece of an old ship that lies on the shore.

另外还有水藻,它的油质可以用做燃料。And then there is algae. Its oil can be used for fuel.

水藻从污水中获取养分,造成鱼类的死亡,其面积能在24小时中翻倍。The duckweed feeds on sewage, kills fish, and can double in size in 24 hours.

海水中一两条漂浮的水藻不能形成什么冲击力。One or two wandering bits of algae in the sea doesn't make too much of an impact.

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数量过多时,滋养物质会过多地刺激水生植物和水藻的生长。In excess levels, nutrients over stimulate the growth of aquatic plants and algae.

水藻真绿,把终年贮藏的绿色全拿出来了。The algae is extremely green, taking out all the green stored all the year around.

富含肥料的水流入大海造成了海岸附近水域的水藻大规模生长。Fertilizer-laden runoff triggers explosive planktonic algae growth in coastal areas.

西方媒体有时会报道中国肮脏、水藻遍布的水产养殖区。Western media sometimes report on the filthy, algae-filled ponds of Chinese aquaculture.

然而这同样也不意味着在这个阶段之前的胚胎就不包含水藻。However, that doesn't necessarily mean that embryos at an earlier stage contain no algae.

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居民们说曾引进的可以大大减少水藻生长的食藻银鲤今年也死了。Residents say algae-eating silver carp introduced with great fanfare this year have died.

而周伟认为,大坝并非导致水藻孳生的原因。Mr. Zhou, the reservoir management vice director, says the dam isn't responsible for the blooms.

加拿大温哥华岛的水域里,一只闪亮的红海星躺在长满水藻的岩石之中。A brilliant red sea star lies amid algae -covered rocks in the waters off Vancouver Island, Canada.

这些水藻死亡之后沉入深水,又成为微生物生长的肥料。The algae die and rain down into deep waters, where their remains are like fertilizer for microbes.

但Kerney正在研究水藻是如何进入蝾螈细胞的,而一些以前的研究给他提供了帮助。But Kerney is probing how algae enter salamander cells, and some earlier findings are proving helpful.

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但是在有噪音鱼缸里的三刺鱼,花更多的时间攻击那些并非作为食物的猎物,比如小块的水藻。But the sticklebacks in noisy tanks spent more time attacking what's not for dinner, like bits of algae.

地球上大约有20,000种水藻,从极其微小的、单细胞的硅藻到巨大的海藻。There are over 20,000 species of alga, ranging from microscopic, single-celled diatoms to giant seaweeds.

20亿年以前一种释放氧气的蓝绿色的水藻对古老的细菌是有毒的。For example, over 2 billion years ago blue green algae pumped out oxygen that was toxic to ancient bacteria.