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学习不能凭空想象。Studing can't be imagination.

毕竟不能凭空创造一个杀手。You can't simply produce a killer.

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学习不能凭空想象。Learning doesn't mean only fancying.

这些并非是凭空想象出来的区别。They were not imagined distinctions.

但好的政府不会凭空出现。But good government doesn't just happen.

似乎一辆凭空出现的货车停下了。Seemingly out of nowhere, a lorry pulled up.

便宜的浮存金绝非凭空而降。There's nothing automatic about cheap float.

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它凭空突然出现,全然没有声息。It appears from nowhere, and without a sound.

你总是凭空悬揣,没有科学依据。You always conjecture without scientific basis.

你为什么凭空怀疑这消息的真实性?Why do you suspect the truth of the information?

你不可能通过发明或凭空想象就能得到钱的。You cannot get money by inventing or imagining it.

皮亚杰认为,婴儿真的会以为,他喜欢的东西就这么凭空消失了And he claimed the child really thinks it's just gone.

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是违背守恒定律而凭空消失了吗?Is it lost, in violation of the conservation principle?

这个什么毒蜘蛛的东西也是你凭空杜撰出来的吧?。Is this spider thing a figment of your imagination, too?

我也是凭空出现的热血人士。I am also the red-blooded personage who appear without basis.

我认为那些只不过是人们的凭空想像和虚构。I thought all this was simply a figment of one's imagination.

缐有些烦恼是我们凭空虚构的,而我们往往却把它当成真实去承受。Some troubles are made up of us, and we tend to take it as a reality.

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在其他许多领域,也都存在这种凭空“制造工作机会”的做法。One could go on to cite such make-work practices in many other fields.

是那姑娘没穿上衣呢,还是我凭空想象的事?Was that girl wearing no blouse or was it a figment of my imagination?

几千年前的欧洲,红头发的人因为基因变异的关系凭空出现。The redhead sprang from a mutated gene in Europe thousands of years ago.