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汇流演算基于河网结构采用分段马斯京根方法。For river network routing, the Muskingum method is usually used.

本文研究了河网水质数学模型。Water quality model for the river network has been studied in this paper.

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西江北江,河网纵横,龙舟激昂,狮舞人欢。West River North River, river network horizon, the boat ran high, lion dancers Huan.

连接印度河与附近湖泊的河网,也同样涨起洪水。A network of canals connects the Indus to the nearby lake, which also appears flooded.

太湖流域属于平原河网区,水系相五连通。Taihu basin belongs to plain river network and river systems are connected with each other.

给出了数字流域模型的河网编码中若干具体问题的算法。Some detailed arithmetics of the codification method in the DWM is presented in an appendix.

提出了珠江三角洲河网水位空间插值的克里格方法,并给出了丰水期的一个应用实例。The approach to spatial interpolation of water level by means of Kriging method is proposed.

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但由于河流众多,水面面积大,河网的调蓄能力也相当可观。But the channel density and the water area is large, the storage capacity of river network is large.

涡北勘探区属于河网地带,难以进行正常的地震施工。Wobei exploration district is a drainage network area, it is hard to carry out seismic construction.

本文应用水箱原理处理流域DEM数据中存在的洼地问题,提出流域河网识别及编码的新方法。This method, based on water tank theory, can deal with billabong grids existed in the DEM as follows.

本文在前人研究的基础上,率先提出在平原河网地区进行区域供水计量技术研究。The research on regional water supply measurement technology in the plain river network was brought forward.

由于河网的模拟范围很大,多数情况下只能采用数值方法进行水质模拟。Because the simulation range of river network is wide, the water quality is mostly simulated in numerical method.

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本文对济南市河网的防洪预警,减小洪涝损失具有重要的意义。This paper is of great significance to flood-earlying waring and can decrease the loss caused by the flood in Jinan city.

利用DEM可以提取地形因子,如坡度、坡向、高程信息、地表粗糙度、曲面面积、体积、水系、河网密度等。Terrain factors such as slope, aspect, elevation, surface roughness, and so on, can be extracted by utilizing DEM based on GIS.

提出中国东部平原河网地区水源地环境管理的概念及内涵。The concepts concerning environmental management for water source protection in plain river network were defined and discussed.

结果表明,暴雨径流的数值模拟可以为河网水动力模型提供可靠准确的流量边界。The results showed that the storm runoff simulation could provide reliable and accurate discharge for the river-network HD model.

论文首先阐述了平原河网地区及其水文特性,以及该地区设计水位计算的研究现状。At first, plain river network region and its hydrologic characteristics and the current situation of design water research are elaborated.

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受潮汐影响的闸控河网的水环境容量计算是水环境控制的重要内容。Calculation of water environment capacity in the tidal river net controlled by gates is an important part of water environment management.

轴流泵的特点是比转数高,扬程低,流量大,经济效益比较高,非常适用于平原、湖区、河网区排水灌溉。Compared with other kinds of pumps, its obvious characters are that specific speed is very high and hydro-head is low with a big flow rate.

对于河网,引入汊点质量守恒方程,考虑污染物在汊点处的流入流出、来源和漏失项。For river networks, the mass-conservation equations of confluent point pollutant is added, concerning the inflow, outflow, source and lost.