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比尔精心修剪了他的胡须。Bill preened his beard.

他的小说是一部精心的杰作。His novel is a fine effort.

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我精心编造了各种借口。I concocted elaborate excuses.

这件衣裙是精心设计的。The dress is carefully styled.

每日精心备餐,专为我和你。Prepared each day for thee and me.

看那下巴上精心修过的胡渣。Look at that slightly stubbly chin.

那是精心遴选出来的一小群人。It's a small select group of people.

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我所做的一切都是精心策划的。Everything I do is very well planned.

他精心照料生病的牲畜。He's good at caring for sick animals.

玛丽为参加舞会而精心打扮了一番。Mary dolled herself up for the party.

服务应具有精心选择的粒度Services have well-chosen granularity

那个陶工精心地制作了这个花瓶。The potter carefully shaped the vase.

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他精心设计了一台新电脑。He elaborately devised a new computer.

我发表了一些精心筹备的评论。I delivered a few best animadversions.

她精心照料丈夫,直到他康复。She nursed her husband back to health.

都是人工精心磨制出来的。They were all finely polished by hand.

印度联邦内政部国务部长贾斯瓦尔说,袭击是精心策划的,是印度历史上最恶劣的袭击事件。Home minister says attacks highly planned

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她为参加复活节游行精心打扮一番。She was dressed up for the Easter parade.

精心组织方法和办法。A well organized methodology and approach.

在命运的精心设计中,我可以看清这个世界。Beholding how the world, by fate's design.