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雪暴是危险的。Winter storms can be dangerous.

初看起来奥兹似乎冻死于阿尔卑斯山的雪暴。At first, it looked as if Otzi had frozen to death in a snowstorm in the Alps.

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假如你在一场雪暴后外出或许能见到许多圆木状或鼓形的雪球。You head outside after a snowstorm and see dozens of log- or drum-shaped snowballs.

在纽约上次的大雪暴期间,一张用于记录街道堵塞的Ushahidi地图就弹出到我的电脑屏幕上。During the last big blizzard in New York, an Ushahidi map popped up on my screen to record street blockages.

画面各区域仿佛被有意模糊,画面如同摄取于雪暴之中。Areas of the composition seem deliberately blurred, as our vision would be in trying to gaze through a snowstorm.

她看着我可能觉得我是从月球来的吧。没有人会走这么远,何况拖着一个箱子,而且又是雪暴来临之际!She looked at me thinking I must be from the moon. Nobody would walk that far, and with a suitcase, and in a snow storm!

初看起来奥兹似乎冻死于阿尔卑斯山的雪暴,研究者们现在确认这位史前的冰人是被谋杀的。At first, it looked as if Otzi had frozen to death in a snowstorm in the Alps. Researchers now believe the prehistoric iceman was murdered.

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飓风、龙卷风、雪暴、冰暴和雷暴,都是可能威胁到整个社会的极端的气候现象。Hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms, ice storms and electrical storms are all examples of extreme weather that may challenge an entire community.

预报员预测,暴风雨将使内华达山脉的积雪堆积到雪暴警报暴风雪警报10英尺,虽然那里的雪暴警报在周五晚上已经降级为暴风雪警报。Forecasters expected the storm to dump as much as 10 feet of snow in the Sierra Nevada, where a blizzard warning was downgraded Friday evening to a winter storm warning.

分析认为本次过程发生在“南高北低”的天气形势下,“南高北低”引发的偏东大风是雪暴发生的先决条件。It's found that this blizzard was under the situation of 'High in the south, low in the north', and the easterly gale caused by the weather situation was the precondition to the blizzard occur.