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该死的锂盐矿泉水。Damn your lithia water.

我象矿泉水,肉肉象彩虹鱼.哦也!I like a spring water & a Rianbow Fish.

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如果我是你的话我就会喝矿泉水的。If I were you, I’d drink the bottled water.

矿泉水,垃圾袋,急救药品等公共用品。Mineral water, garbage bag, first-aid box ext.

没有热开水了,矿泉水可以吗?。There is no hot water. Would mineral water do?

啤酒成份是麦、槐花、水或矿泉水。Beer is made of hop, herb, water or something else.

他知道她已经打开那瓶矿泉水。Knowing she had opened the bottle of mineral water.

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蒂松用矿泉水或者泉水泡茶。Ms. Tison uses mineral or spring water for brewing.

你是要矿泉水、可乐还是雪碧?Which do you need, table-water, Coca Cola or Sprit?

你一定是把钱拱手交给矿泉水业。You've got to hand it to the bottled water industry.

我发现所有的瓶子都装满了矿泉水。I found all the bottles filled up with mineral water.

喝点什么吗?柠檬汁、桔汁还是矿泉水?Any drinks? Lemon juice, orange juice or mineral water?

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泰勒先生先是卖矿泉水,后来他开了一个矿井。Mr. Taylor sold mineral water first then he ran a mine.

我们有可口可乐、矿泉水、水果汁,还有红酒?We have coca-cola, mineral water, fruit juice and wine?

加入一点郎姆酒,用矿泉水加满。Add a shot of rum and fill the glass with mineral water.

少喝超甜的饮料,多喝玛朵尼自然矿泉水。Drink less sugary drinks and more Mattoni mineral water.

巴杜阿是市面上最好的矿泉水之一。Badoit is one of the finest mineral waters on the market.

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一包包的矿泉水曾用直升飞机空投下来。Parcels of mineral water were airdropped from helicopters.

例如把整瓶不洁的矿泉水喝光。Like drinking up a whole bottle of contaminated mineral water.

把一瓶冻成冰的矿泉水一滴一滴倒到杯子里。Pour a bottle of frozen mineral water into a cup drop by drop.