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我表姐在中国航空公司工作。My cousin works for Air China.

“没错儿,”他表姐回答。Quite sure,' replied his cousin.

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我的表姐猜想你是个白痴哩。My cousin fancies you are an idiot.

我有一个表姐,她很爱臭美。I have a cousin, and she loves smug.

昨天是家庆表姐的生日。Yesterday was my cousin JQ's birthday.

查尔斯•达尔文娶了嫡系表姐为妻。Charles Darwin married his first cousin.

我喜欢我的表姐,喜欢她那谜一样的性格。I like my cousin, like her enigmatic character.

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我今天和表姐来吃午饭,We came here with my cousin today to have lunch

我的意思是,我和我的表姐是同一个祖母。I mean, my cousin and I both share a grandparent.

高野奔向附近的表姐家。She rushed to her cousin's house, which was nearby.

表姐,那个,表姐夫受得住你吗?Cousin, that, cousin's man is subjected to live you?

附近没有什么地方你可以领你表姐去看看吗?Have you nothing to show your cousin anywhere about?

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“他不认识字,”他对他的表姐说。He does not know his letters,' he said to his cousin.

她的表姐,1名20岁妇女,于3月3日死亡。Her first cousin, a 20-year-old woman, died on 3 March.

随后,我要去表姐来到兔笼。Subsequently, I am going to cousin came to rabbit cage.

我的姑妈和表姐也非常支持我。My aunt and cousin are also exceptionally supportive of me.

说起我的表姐,那可真算得是青春美少女。Speaking of my cousin, it can really be called a young girl.

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我的表姐喜欢表演,她是剧社的成员。My cousin enjoys acting, and she is a member of a drama club.

我表姐喜欢表演,她是剧社的成员。My cousin enjoys acting , and she is a member of a abama club.

第二张照片,我和我的表姐们在解放公园玩。The second photo, I with my cousin were playing in Jiefang Park.