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论脸皮厚,你可算是天下第一。For sheer cheek, you're it.

天下第一的好姑娘哎……现在跟我唱!Nice of any girl ever- now sing!

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就无耻造谣之本事而论,你真算得上天下第一。For barefaced lying you are really it.

作为恐慌制造者,“考试”天下第一。As anxiety-makers, examinations are secong to none.

号称天下第一石,是造山的绝佳材料。So-called world a stone, is the best orogenic material.

是为天下第一的灵岩泥塑,个个有血有肉,活灵活现。The Lingyan clay sculptures there are vivid and lifelike.

预祝天下第一气质美女情人节快乐!Wish the world a temperamental belle happy valentine's day!

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这里的东西太好吃了,我喜欢,简直是天下第一。The food here is terrific. I love it. it's out of this world.

汉正街自古就有‘天下第一街’之美誉。Hanzhengjie since ancient times 'Number One Street' s reputation.

天下第一楼。这个曾左右我半生命运的地方。The great pavilion. The place which influence me half a lifetime.

祝天下第一美女天天快乐!Wishes the first under heaven beautiful woman to be joyful daily!

你的嘴巴温柔甜蜜,你的浪荡天下第一。Your lips are soft and sweet. Your debauch is peerless in the world.

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只从明朝以来一直被誉为“天下第一奇”而闻名天下。It’s known since the Ming Dynasty as the 'First Wonder of the World.'

老子,天下第一,臭道士,腐烂的行尸走肉,臭。Lao Tze, world a, smelly Taoist priest, putrefied walking corpse, smelly.

名冠神州的黄山,被称为“天下第一奇山”。Yellow Mountain is one of the most beautiful mountains I have ever known.

祝天下第一气质美女三八节快乐!Wish the world beautiful woman of the first qualities 38 section happinesses!

而以北京“填鸭”制成的烤鸭更有“天下第一美味”之称。The Peking Duck, named "China's Tastiest Dish", is made of grilled "stuff duck".

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李小手将猜猜叫回家中,她感觉做为天下第一锅的继承人太不容易了。Lee hands will guess call home, she felt as the first one pot successor is not easy.

他以“学圣贤”为“天下第一等事”,却又说“满街都是圣人”。He attaches great importance to learning from sage, yet has to regards all people as sages.

在三亚的东南方,有一个亚龙湾,人们称之为“天下第一湾”。In the southeast of Sanya, there is Yalong Bay. People call it "The Best Bay in the world".