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但那将是一个愚蠢的权宜之计。But that would be crassly expedient.

这些可能在最终都只是一些权宜之计。These may end up being stop-gap measure.

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但就是这样,一个权宜之计。It is what it is, a matter of expediency.

迁就新闻界充其量只是个权宜之计。The accommodation for the press was makeshift at best.

由于油价上涨,燃油附加费随之上涨只是一种权宜之计。As oil prices rise, raising the fuel surcharge is a quick fix.

权宜之计是暂时的,而原则是长久的!Expedients are for the hour , but principles are for the ages!

但两者都是政治及经济机会主义者的权宜之计。But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists.

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但迄今为止,政府只采取了短期的权宜之计。But to date, there have been only short-term, stop-gap measures.

哈利利博士解释说,所以这些药物只是某种权宜之计。So the drugs are kind of a "Band-Aid solution, " Khalili explained.

援助账单是一个权宜之计的经典范本。The bailout bill is a classic example of expediency over effectiveness.

律师的真理算不上真理,只是一种言之成理、利己的权宜之计。The lawyer's truth is not Truth, but consistency or a consistent expediency.

真正危险的时候是那些为了权宜之计,将自由逐渐的、小块的蚕食的时候。The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts.

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那是权宜之计的开销,而带来的结果只是更深远的破坏性。It was quick-fix spending, and it has resulted in only further breaking things.

这些问题在午夜前几分钟要达成的一项权宜之计的支出议案中没有什么位置。These issues have no place in a stopgap spending bill a few minutes from midnight.

如果有人用了错误的工具或方法,不要向他们提议权宜之计。Don't suggest kludgy workarounds when somebody is using the wrong tool or approach.

很显然,发展出口贸易不应只是个权宜之计而是一项长期的发展战略。Thus developing export trade is obviously not an expediency but a long term strategy.

分配每一个一次评级,做权宜之计,然后做出高质量通过电子邮件印刷和分担。Assign each a rating, do quick-fixes, then make high-quality prints and share by email.

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这些理想仍然照亮着世界,我们将不会为了权宜之计而放弃它们。Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake.

如果书中不尊重这荒谬,那么我们应该知道幻念作为权宜之计溜了进来。If the absurd is not respected in it, we shall know by what expedient illusion enters in.

罗德里格-布巴荷有着惊人的潜力,杰森-特里在得分端上有着权宜之计。Rodrigue Beaubois is a promising talent and Jason Terry a bit of a stopgap at shooting guard.