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门不挡衣服雄伟的人。Good clothes open isl doors.

你是雄伟高峻的山。You're an eagle flying high.

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在这雄伟粗犷的太行山中。In the craggy Taihang Mountains.

你是雄伟高峻的山。You're the mountain huge and high.

大三巴不仅雄伟高大。Tai Sam Ba is not just magnificent.

这幢摩天大厦的雄伟气势令我惊叹。The majesty of the skyscraper awed me.

那座古城堡是一座雄伟的建筑。The old castle is an imposing building.

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七根柱子灰白而雄伟,壮观。There are seven columns, massy and grey.

福尔摩莎的美丽的确是如此的雄伟。Formosa is indeed majestic in its beauty.

我们凝望着雄伟的山脉。We gazed at the majesty of the mountains.

他们看到了高耸的山峰,气势雄伟壮丽。They saw the lofty peak in all its majesty.

五座石峰雄伟挺拔。Five stone pinnacles stand tall and magnificent.

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雄伟的狮子捉住了小小的老鼠,准备掐死他。The big lion caught the little mouse to kill it.

论雄伟优美,多恩无法与弥尔顿匹敌。Donne cannot rival Milton in grandeur and beauty.

春风从不前往雄伟的玉关。Spring breeze never goes to the Jade Pass strong.

阿尔卑斯山脚的环境雄伟壮丽。The setting, at the foot of the Alps, is majestic.

整个建筑飞檐画栋,雄伟壮观。The building cornices painting houses, magnificent.

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它耸立在黄海之滨,高大雄伟。It stands in the Yellow Sea lake, tall and majestic.

天安门城楼多么雄伟壮丽!How grand and magnificent the Tian'anmen Gate-tower is!

这时的人类雄伟刚毅,但却骄横不虔。This was a race of manly men, but insolent and impious.