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我们笑他异想天开。We laughed at his fancy.

要敢于异想天开。We should dare to whimsical.

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当然,并非所有的故事都是如此的异想天开。Not all stories are so whimsical.

我想让她的房间看起来强大的且异想天开的。I wanted it to feel punchy and whimsical.

休要异想天开。Don't let your imagination run away with you.

这是基于事实的展望或异想天开?Is this a fact-based forecast or wishful thinking?

这款发型适合异想天开的温柔的人群。This bob is best for that whimsical and soft look.

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不久,女孩们把小屋变成了游戏室,孩子们在墙上画上了异想天开的壁画,有丛林动物和太空船。The girls soon transformed the cottage into a playroom.

这在当时是一个异想天开的设想,几乎无人理解。It was a wild idea at the time. Few people understood it.

乍一听,纳希德总统的想法似乎有点异想天开。At first blush Mr Nasheed's notion seems a bit over the top.

我们需要借鉴马格利特大胆、异想天开的创造性思维。We need to learn from Magritte bold, whimsical creative thinking.

“异想天开”只有8个演员和2名伴奏人员。" The Fantasticks" has only 8 actors. There are only 2 musicians.

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这是未来的摩天大楼,还是一个异想天开的想法?Is it the skyscraper of the future, or just a pie-in-the-sky idea?

这个异想天开的想法是荷兰人露西•麦克雷提出的。The artist behind the unlikely idea is Netherlands-based Lucy McCrae.

他总爱异想天开,拟出全部这些做不到的方案。He's always got his head in the clouds-he makes all these impossible plans.

当局以一贯一本正经的行事风格对待这次异想天开之旅。The authorities took their usual humorless approach to this flight of fancy.

弹簧是如此渴望回到舞台上,他简直是异想天开。Bourdon is so eager to get back to the stage he is literally dreaming about it.

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展出的车型中有些纯属异想天开,只是年轻设计师们闲来无事的凭空想像。Some show cars are pure whimsy, confections dreamed up by young designers at play.

那个自作聪明的家伙来到这里,异想天开地要教我们一友致富的诀窍。Some smart ass came in here and offered to show us the alchemy for instant fortune.

这个设计很容易理解而且它极简抽象派的外形满足了我们的异想天开。It's easy to understand and the minimalist approach keeps the whimsicality in check.