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该收工了。It's time to knock off.

我们收工后,正好能赶上喝下午茶。We knock off work in time for tea.

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接收工单并在维修部内的执行。Receive and carry out WO in repair team.

我们收工看电影去吧!Let's call it a day and go to the movies.

他们每天上工早收工晚。They started work early and finished late every day.

他们的身体能辨别出曙光的来临,并在日暮时收工返家。Their bodies discerned the dawn and drew homeward at dusk.

晚上收工的时候,我已经同意加入他们的巡回游艺团了。By the end of the night, I had agreed to join their carnival.

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我把所有的药棉都取出了,我们现在可以收工了。"I removed them all, "the doctor declared. "We'll close now. "

每天傍晚收工后,我就沿着凡尼尔公园边的海岸长跑。Every evening after work, I run along the sea front near vanier park.

如果你准备离开两周,清理一下办公桌,会给你一种收工打烊的美好感觉。When you're going off for two weeks, tidying your desk gives you a nice sense of closure.

今晚接老婆收工个阵,顺便同埋她去公园散步,本来是很开心。Shuttle wife finish work tonight, and the way her to the park was originally very unhappy.

你就别添乱了,只要按老板说的去做,我们都能早早收工。Don't make it harder than it has to be.Just do what boss says so we can all get out here early.

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晚上收工的时候,我已经同意加入他们的巡回游艺团了。我将自己当作商品出售的日子开始了。By the end of the night, I had agreed to join their carnival. And my life as a commodity had begun.

玉帝正准备收工,他听到了一头小猪长而尖锐的呼噜声。Just as the Jade Emperor was about to call it a day, an oink and squeal was heard from a little pig.

每次收工准备回家时,他一定会拥抱一下牛来表示他的谢意。And he would hug the ox to show his appreciation every time when he quit work and was ready to go home.

收工后原计划泡汤,他们在博物馆度过了浪漫的一夜。By the time he's done with work, their plans are ruined, so they spend the night together in the museum.

我们经常在收工以后一块儿出去吃晚餐并且纯粹是女孩子们的聚会。We did spend a lot of time off-set together by going out to dinner and just being girls and hanging out.

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我挂上了电话筒,揣度着是否肯尼迪或迈肯恩参议员曾经在收工回家的路上买过捕蚁器。I hung up the receiver, wondering if Ted Kennedy or John McCain bought ant traps on the way home from work.

回家的路程上,他必须经过上华街,而他也打算多载一位回程的顾客然后就收工了。On his way home, he has to pass by Howard Street, so he planned to do one more business, then he will go home.

当前,就业市场充满了不确定因素。因此,那些拥有稳定报酬的幸运儿们在收工之前通常都会三思而行。In an uncertain job market, fortunate people with steady paying gigs often think twice before shutting down for the day.