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改变一个习惯。Change one habit.

保持良好的卫生习惯。Have good hygiene.

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每个人都有很多习惯。We all have habits.

养成良好的卫生习惯。Practice good hygiene.

这是一个关键的习惯。This is the key habit.

习惯已经支使了你。the habit has got you.

他们习惯形成?Are they habit-forming?

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习惯成自然。Habit is second nature.

我已习惯于孤独。I'm used to loneliness.

也就是波动很大的饮食习惯That is, yo-yo dieting.

你的习惯和品味。Your habits and tastes.

他有独特的习惯用语。He has a peculiar idiom.

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赵明已经习惯了这些标签。He is used to the labels.

我又掉进坑了,都成习惯了。I fall in the hole again.

请看下列习惯用语。Look at the idioms below.

第一个原则是习惯化。The first is habituation.

你拥有了健康的习惯。You have a healthy habit.

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一种害怕改变的习惯。A habit of fearing change.

养成好的学习习惯。Develop good study habits.

他开始习惯于抽烟斗…He took to smoking a pipe.