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下一站在银石的比赛会昭示更多。The next race in Silverstone will tell more.

月圆月缺是具体而微的人生昭示。Full moon on a clear and concrete short life declares.

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像历史一样清晰的昭示着米玛塔尔人的身份。They represent a Minmatar's identity as well as his story.

科赫兄弟选择菲利普斯无疑昭示了他们更进一步的执着。The Kochs’ choice of Phillips signalled an even greater toughness.

这里的一切昭示着北大荒精神的旗帜必将高高飘扬!Everything here presages a wilderness spirit flag will be flying high!

对于福田首相来说,此次东海协议昭示着”和平合作之海”的诞生。For Mr Fukuda, the gas deal presages a"sea of peace and co-operation".

在俄罗斯,这出插曲再度昭示出权力远比法律来得重要。In Russia, the episode affirmed, power still counts for more than the law.

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这确实进一步昭示出鲁迅与世界文学发展同步的伟大战略眼光。It illustrates Lu Xun's great insight which developed with the world literature.

对美国而言,煤炭取之不尽、用之不竭的时代已近尾声,但这也昭示着我们终于能够摆脱它了。We are approaching the end of plentiful coal in the U.S. and good riddance to it.

庾信的创作中昭示出兼容并蓄的文化价值取向。Yuxin's literary creation is characterized by the value of the compatible culture.

这昭示着女性将踏上一条漫长的自我探索之路。It heralds the time for women to embark on a journey for self-exploration has come.

或许骗局在年初就应该得到昭示。Perhaps the fraud revealed at the beginning of the year should have been a tip-off.

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他为东方艺术走向国际化给与了我们最好的昭示。He clearly shows us the direction of oriental arts towards the internationalization.

据说有令人难以忍受的巨大响声,昭示着大灾难的狂风,以及诡异的蓝光。There were reports of unbearably loud sounds, apocalyptic winds, strange blue lights.

他通过建立“非洲领导奖”昭示了他的人生哲学。And his achievement in African leadership prize celebrates exemplars of his philosophy.

然而,我们不能忘记,我们是这位总统的传人,他曾向我们昭示我们的潜力。But we cannot forget, we are the heirs of this President, who showed us what is possible.

成绩只能昭示昨天,面对未来,在傅山的字典里,永远只有逗号!Results only shows yesterday, facing the future, in the dictionary, some only comma forever!

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生活如同一朵玫瑰,每片花瓣代表一个梦想,每根花刺昭示一种现实。Life is like a rose, each petal represents a dream, each root thorns shows a kind of reality.

管理理论的发展昭示着非理性管理的价值。The development of management theory has declared publicly the value of non-reason management.

但是,整个旅程的每一步,上帝都向我昭示,他就是朋友、导师、顾问,和心灵的抚慰。But every step of the journey, God has revealed Himself as Friend, Mentor, Counselor, Consoler.