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他已经习惯了她变化多端的情绪了。He has got used to her varying moods.

各文本定位或变化多端。All texts are localizable or changeable.

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他发球变化多端。He's always changing his way of serving.

幻觉内容离奇古怪,变化多端。The content of bizarre hallucinations and changeable.

五种变化多端的颜色,迷惑我们的眼睛,妨碍我们的洞察力。Five colors bewilder our eyes and obstruct our insights.

要让人群真正聪明起来,它的组成也必须变化多端。For a crowd to truly be wise, it also has to be diverse.

未来的几年,我们将面对一个变化多端、充满未知数的世界。The next few years will bring more rapid changes and surprises.

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我们知道,不稳定的、变化多端的气候对卫生意味着什么。We know what an unstable and changing climate means for health.

东路二人台的唱腔则婉转流畅,旋律变化多端。East road "Er-ren-tai" melodies persuasive smooth, the melody is changeable.

我喜欢大自然,更好奇大自然中变化多端的物理现象。I love the nature, and get so obsessed with the diversed physical phenomena.

面对犯罪手法的变化多端,公证人员们也颇为无奈。In the face of the changing modus operandi, notaries are also quite helpless.

咱们不能防备我们所不克不及预知的。世事变化多端。转瞬之间,面貌全非。We cannot prevent what cannot predict. Life can change in the blink of an eye.

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鞋子很耐磨,合脚,变化多端,那么多色彩。They are durable, fit well, and are versatile because they have so many colors.

他身体强壮、速度快、而且变化多端,可以迅速从盯防者的任意一侧突破。He is strong, quick and unpredictable, able to surge past his marker on either side.

我是个性格变化多端的女生,有时会特别活泼,有时又会非常腼腆。I am a girl with diverse character, sometimes frisky especially & sometimes shy extremely.

当物质与时空这麽变化多端,广义相对论的方程式能预测出什麽?When matter and spacetime are so protean , what do the equations of general relativity predict?

岸边还有城关、村舍、寺塔错落其间,构图疏密变化多端。Scattered along the riverbank are city walls, villages, and temples punctuating the composition.

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一位冰岛外交官的话尖酸刻薄,说自己的总统“变化多端”。and the tart remark of an Icelandic diplomat who described his own president as "unpredictable".

模块化流程企业是一种适应型组织,可以适应变化多端的市场。Enterprises whose processes are modular can adapt to rapid market changes in the information era.

但是冰岛只有一半的地区允许四轮车进入,而且那里的天气也变化多端。But half of the island is only accessible by four-wheel drive and the weather can be unpredictable.