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不用粉饰太平。No need to sugarcoat the peace.

他们不希望得到那些糖衣包裹的或粉饰太平的信息。They don’t want it sugarcoated or whitewashed.

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鼓吹小资情调是变相的粉饰太平。Advocating Petty Bourgeoisie in disguise whitewash.

或者它只是粉饰太平,一种毫无意义的管理实践。Or it can be so sugarcoated that it becomes a meaningless exercise in management.

粉饰太平乃人之本性,但也可能导致你无法从失败中吸取教训。Sugar-coating is human, but it's also a recipe for failing to learn from failure.

这一章讨论擦除广岛黑暗的过去的城市想象,并粉饰太平。This chapter discusses the urban imaginary that erases Hiroshima's dark past, and whitewashes it.

不假情假意、制造谎言、粉饰太平那你就不需要用尽心思去设计更多的谎言,去掩饰从前的谎言。Not to be sham and lie to pretend peace so that you don't need to rack your brain to conceive more lie to cover your past lie.

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作为一个美国人,我既不希望一个民主党政府粉饰太平,遮遮掩掩,也不希望一个共和党人诽谤他人,搞政治迫害。As an American, I do not want a Democratic administration white wash or cover up any more than I want a Republican smear or witch hunt.

第二,贫民问题集中暴露在首都,说明政府层面没有粉饰太平和掩盖社会矛盾。Second, the problems of poverty are concentrated around the capital, suggesting the government doesn't try to hide or window-dress the problems of poverty.

但对这些问题,社会舆论多倾向愤世嫉俗式批评,而一些既得利益者则希望无原则地粉饰太平,以期维护现状。The media, however, are filled with voices of cynicism and pessimism, or groundless praises from vested interest groups who are anxious to maintain the status quo.

在这种严厉的政治环境之下,文学只得屈从于政治,歌功颂德、粉饰太平成为当时文学创作的主流样式。In this harsh political environment, only political literature, sing praises of someone, window dressing become the mainstream format at the time literary creations.

我发现有许多敏捷开发者已经沉沦到为“邪恶官僚”粉饰太平的地步,这通常是因为他们并没有真正理解项目的远大前景。I've found that many agile developers have fallen for some of the rhetoric around the "evil bureaucracy", often because they don't really understand the bigger picture.

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下西洋的另一目的则是采买皇室官家所需要的香料奇珍,寻找异兽如麒麟等,以示祥瑞,粉饰太平。In addition to this, another motive of Zheng's voyage was to collect spicery and jewellery for the royal court and to look for Kylin?the legendary beast to pray for peace and good fortune.