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受害比率。Victimization ratio.

我是否能够以一定的比率运行测试?Can I run a test at a set rate?

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降低半山区西部的地积比率。Reduce the PR in Mid-levels West.

必须输入“累计分段计算比率”。Must enter Accruals Proration Rates.

圣多美和普林西比降低了近一半的比率。Sao Tome and Principe by nearly half.

在2000年初时,美国股市的这一比率高于40倍。At the start of 2000, it was above 40.

我们想稍微改变这个比率。We want to shift the pendulum slightly.

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到2005年,这一比率增加到122倍。By 2005 this ratio had increased to 122.

的确受伤的比率还没有降低。Indeed, injury rates have not gone down.

流动比率中存在一些问题。Some problems exist in the current ratio.

并提出了改进的表情比率图计算方法。And calculate method of ERI is improved on.

抛丸颗粒的大小,比率及来源是否受控?Is Shot Size , Ratio and Source controlled?

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摩尔分数或比率,但它是有单位的。Mole fractions or ratio, but it's got units.

那么,可接受的流动比率值是多少呢?What is an acceptable acid-test ratio value?

一个负现金流的公司以月计的负现金流比率。The rate at which a company spends its money.

上述公司的流动比率是多少?What is the current ratio for the above firm?

今天的兑换比率是一美元兑换7.16元人民币。Today's rate is one U. S. dollar to 7.16 yuan.

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这个比率跟项目的成熟度有关么?Do the ratios evolve with the project maturity?

有相同的或恒量的比率的n。Mathematics Having the same or a constant ratio.

但他们还是对如此高的比率感到吃惊。But they were surprised at how high the rate was.