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猎人在密林中追踪一只牛羚。The hunter slotted a gnu in the woods.

他们在密林中开出了一条小路。They cut out a path through the jungle.

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他们在密林里开辟出一条路。They hewed their way through dense jungle.

密林人绝少在城墙内骑马。Meereenese seldom rode within their city walls.

那座避暑别墅位于密林深处。The summer house was buried deep in the forest.

这个旅的士兵现在密林中露宿。Soldiers are now sleeping rough in dense jungle.

密林掩护了游击队员的行动。The dense forest screened the guerrillas' movements.

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莽丛密林一步一步地蔓延到了古老的城堡。The jungle was creeping back to its old strongholds.

小径斜穿草地通到了密林深处。The path slants the lawn to the depths of the woods.

夜探密林,夜间的密林是野兽的乐园。The jungle at night, it is a paradise for wild animals.

杂草在水泥人行道上挤出裂缝生长,街道都变成密林。Pavements are soon cracked by weeds and streets overgrown.

从密林深处显现出某种事物。Something is approaching from the dark heart of the forest.

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比佐通过搓揉报纸,带我们体验了一次密林探险。Bizot made us explore the forest with the newspaper kneading.

夜幕降临时,她跑出城堡,迳直朝密林中走去。And when night came she ran away and went straight into the woods.

那里几乎是深山密林,有些地方没有人走的。They are all remote mountains and thick forests, almost no ways to go.

现在也只能在深山密林中才偶尔见到牠的芳踪。Today, they can only be found in the deepest mountainous forest areas.

我也看到被深山密林环绕著的祖庙和古代的演技场。I also saw ancient temples and arenas surrounded by mountains and woods.

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到处是山石嶙峋,密林峰巅,景色迷人。On every hand was a charming view of rocky buttresses and wooded heights.

深山密林是鄂伦春人生命与情感的寄托。Remote mountain woods is the Elunchun people's bailment of life and sentiment.

夜幕降临时,她跑出城堡,径直朝密林中走去。As night fell, she ran out of the castle, Jingzhi Zhao walked the dense forests.