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工作中会发展浪漫情缘。Romance will develop through work.

浪漫情缘应当要稳定下来。Romantic relationships should stabilize.

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例句我喜欢玩剑侠情缘网络游戏。I like playing the online games of JX series.

你看起来象中国人,你相信海外情缘吗?You look like Chinese. Do you believe abroad luck?

如今那份情缘早已断折的无法弥补。Now that copy of the affair had broken beyond repair.

无论是友缘或情缘,但愿能成为朋友。May we be friends. I can not contact you by this site.

你一定不想永远这样等待下去,那么为你们的异地情缘设定限制吧。You do not want to end up waiting forever, so set a limit to your LDR.

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他们的半世情缘感人至深。Their love lasting half of their lifetime, which touches people deeply.

往事如烟魂牵梦萦增添我的思念,追寻万年今生情缘不变。The past, add my thoughts, pursuing million years the same love this life.

往事如烟,还有挥不去的情缘,让我一个人在寂寞中凄楚伤感。Events of the past, and refuses to go to love, let me alone in the lonely sad sad.

如果你能参与儿童相关的社交活动,你会发展浪漫情缘。Romance will develop if you get involved in social events that deal with children.

蓬船借伞,断桥相遇,千年的情缘在西湖边谱写着人间佳话。She lent an umbrella to Xu Xian, and met each other at broken bridge on West Lake.

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但这段情缘可能只是水中花镜中月,不一定会有也结果。But this may just be Blokus Love on the mirror, there is not necessarily the result.

都市情缘,寻缘多多,为奥运加油!The market conditions reason, seeks the reason very much, refuels for Olympic Games!

对迟来的情缘,好好珍惜,不再错失良缘。To sentiment reason which late comes, treasures well, no longer error predestined match.

路易威登跨越百年的旅行文化与世博情缘也在其中透现。Louis Vuitton spans a century of travel culture and affection of the Expo also offers now.

真岛秀和交友不慎,这是一部短信情缘的故事。Real island Xiu and makes friends carelessly, this is a short note sentiment reason story.

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清风如语,泪眼相诉,你与我一世的情缘画卷定格在眼眸深处。The love between you and me are fixed deep in my eyes, a love that we embrace all our life.

人世有情,情缘交织,脆弱可怜地彼岸花。The world feels emotion, the sentiment reason interweaves, frail pitiful other shore flower.

独特的娱乐方式会吸引你,为你带来浪漫情缘。Unique forms of entertainment could capture your attention and bring about a romantic interest.