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创建一笔备用基金。Create a slush fund.

我没有备用轮胎。I have no spare tire.

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所以,这就像是备用。So it's like a backup.

我带备用电池了。I bought a spare battery.

蔬菜类放在一边备用。Set the vegetables aside.

备用控制面板。The reserve control panel.

这里还有一个备用轮胎。There's a spare tire here.

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排骨汆水后以冷水洗净备用。Wash and scald spare ribs.

我可以再配一枚备用钥匙吗?Can I have a spare key made?

他们从贮藏处取出降落伞备用。They broke out the parachutes.

作战室、团队房间、备用区域War Rooms, Team Rooms, Bullpens

用挖球器将哈蜜瓜挖成球状,备用。Dig honey dew melon to be balls.

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带备用电池的手电筒。Flashlight with spare batteries.

内存备用冗余已丢失。Memory spare redundancy is lost.

鸡蛋去壳,置于碗内备用。Remove the egg shell. Set aside.

我手套箱里还有备用的。I've got a spare in my glove box.

记得带备用的电池。Remember to take extra batteries.

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盛入烤箱烘约8分钟,取出,置凉备用。Bake for 8 minutes. Leave to cool.

再分成每个20公克备用。Divide it into 20 grams per piece.

每辆车都应有个备用轮胎。Each car should have a spare tyre.