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延迟你的反应。Delay your reaction.

可变延迟线路?。VDL? Variable Delay Line?

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延迟新年排毒。Postpone the New Year detox.

但分泌高峰延迟。But secretion peak detention.

它导致延迟发货。It creates delayed shipments.

要不要付延迟退房的费用呢?Will there be any late charge?

为什麽延迟法庭的再度辩论?Why the delay of a re-argument?

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我们可以延迟到本周较后的时间。We can put it off till next week.

节约侍旧送是延迟生命。to save time is to lengthen life.

下页将定义延迟。The next page will define latency.

接下来就是网络延迟问题了。Next up is the network latency issue.

通常来讲,50-100毫秒的延迟时间都属于正常的范围。Usually, 50-100 ms delay time is normal.

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延迟可能是对你的耐心的考验。The delay may be a test of your patience.

减省时间就是延迟生命。To saudio-videoe time is to lengthen life.

仪表板延迟和加载时间改进Dashboard latency and load-time improvements

对所有关注的人来说,这一延迟都是一个隐忧。The delay will be a worry for all concerned.

两个地震同相轴之间的延迟时间。The elapsed time between two seismic events.

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延迟的另一个来源是错误传达。Another source of delays is miscommunication.

对我来说它最大的好处是延迟绑定。The biggest benefit to me is delayed binding.

这个策略产生了瓶颈和延迟。This strategy creates bottlenecks and delays.