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他是有名的地震学专家。He is a famous seismology expert.

地震学家是怎么确定地震位置的?How do seismologists locate an earthquake?

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如今,金融地震学正当红。Now financial seismology is where it's all at.

“地震学是我们研究的中心课题,”他说。"Seismology is the heart of what we do, " he said.

日本的预警系统并没有独独依赖天然地震学,也依靠了大众的即时反馈。The Japanese system doesn’t rely on seismology alone.

许多地震学家都没预见到会发生此种情况。Many seismologists did not foresee this situation occurs.

地震学家最基本的工具是地震仪网。The most basic tool of seismologists is the seismograph network.

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地震学的研究让我们认识地震。The study of seismology enables us to know more about earthquakes.

这一事态受到世界范围内的地震学家的广泛关注。This state of affairs by the world-wide attention of seismologists.

全球各地的地震学家涌到地震区协助。Seismologists from all over the world flooded to the seismic zones to help.

地震波衰减性质的研究是地震学研究的重要课题。The study of seismic attenuation property is a major subject in seismology.

地震学家提醒公众,他们的研究仍然无法十分精确。Seismologists caution the public that their work is still an inexact science.

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然而,二十年后再回顾,地震学家们说海湾地区是幸运的。Looking back 20 years later, however, seismologists say the Bay Areagot lucky.

现代地震学在1900年前后起步,属于一个非常年青的新兴学科。Modern seismology began around 1900, and is still a newly born rising science.

他刚被授予了博士头衔以表彰他对地震学作出的贡献。He had just received a doctorate in recognition of his contributions to seismology.

同时一位地震学家在报纸上也写道这次灾难是可以预料到的。Also in the newspaper, a seismologist wrote that the country's disaster was foreseeable.

直到现在,地震学家们主要研究两种类型的慢性余震,震源深式和地表。Until now seismologists have been aware of two major types of slow earthquake, deep and shallow.

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现代地震学同样需要基础研究、支撑技术和科学工程。The contemporary seismology also needs basic research, technical support and scientific engineering.

课程包括水文地理学、环境科学、地震学和其他相关的学科。Courses for this degree include hydrogeology, environmental science, seismology, and related subjects.

本文讨论图象识别方法在工程地震学中应用的现状及前景。In this paper, we discuss the application of pattern recognition method to the engineering seismology.