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我明白了,师父。谢谢您。I see, Shifu. Thank you.

亲爱的师父,您在那里?Dear Master, where are You?

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师父这样做是为了让我发笑。He did it to make me laugh.

师父已经睡着了。Master is already sleeping.

这些家伙还真死不了,师父,你没事吧?These guys really don't die.

所以,师父说我很不合群。So, my master said, I am unsocial.

我一点一点地将师父装进了我的钱包。Bit by bit I put Master in the bag.

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请原谅,师父。我们辜负了您。Forgive us, Master. We have failed you.

他们向师父顶礼后坐下。They sat down after saluting the Master.

那师父这皮影戏还能演什么?What can you perform in shadow puppetry?

师父,你教我们“要普渡众生”!Master, you taught us "The Universal Life"!

师父说“放弃虚求,你才拥有实在。”Only then can he possess what is truly real.

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王七大喜,入谢师父。Overjoyed, Wang went in to thank the priest.

我当然肯去,我恭敬地回禀师父。Of course I would go, I replied respectfully.

那你也替我捎个信给你那个什么师父。I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu.

就是你们在境界里迷糊了,有师父可以问呀。If you get lost or muddle-headed, just ask me.

师父放心吧,大师兄会来救我们的。Take easy, master, Lao da will rescue us soon.

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师父又给他一击作为答复。The master answered by giving him another rap.

骨灰出炉前我们和火化师父说好在炉前等。I waited for her cremains by the ashes furnace.

我会跟师父说,他没什么可担心的。I'll tell Shifu he has nothing to worry about.