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要是你再打我,我就还手了。If you beat me again, I will fight back.

有一天,我梦见吉塔还手扇了我耳光。One day I dreamt that Geeta slapped me back.

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高飞觉得疑惑,黄成打她的时候她还手了吗?Goofy feel doubt, Huang Cheng call her when she strike back?

我挣扎着站起来并且打算还手,但又是一拳将我打倒。I got to my feet and tried to fight back but another blow sent me flying.

我想嬉皮士们是他妈的第一个说,我不会还手的。I think it was one of those hippie fucks who first said he wouldn't fight.

李先生情意绵绵地和他的女友散步,还手牵手。Herr Li geht mit seiner Freundin liebvoll spazieren, und sogar Hand in Hand.

吉塔是惟一一个我打了不还手的大活人。Geeta is the only living creature I have been able to slap without retaliation.

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女生们还手挽手的走向厕所,真像一支“厕所大军”啊!Girls arm in arm, also the direction the toilet, I really like a "toilet army" ah!

老师打我,我还手了,因此我被赶出了学校。Teacher hit me. I hit back, and got kicked out of school,and created a riot and so forth.

它虽然人小防御低,但是快速的攻击让对手没有还手的能力。Although it is a little low, but quick defense against allowing does not have the ability.

我这儿一边正做关于爱的讲座,你们俩在前排还手拉着手呢。I'm giving this lecture on love and the two of you are holding hands here in the front row.

他说,“那个时代的真相是穿着盔甲的男人四处游荡,暴打毫无还手之力的人。The reality of the time was of men clad in armour going around beating up undefended people.

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复苏背后的推动力量是投资者,而就在一年前他们还手握公债,不愿冒险.最近几月,他们将资金投向风险较高的房屋相关债券、公司债和股票.In recent months they have plowed funds into riskier, housing-related bonds, corporate bonds and stocks.

虽然没人指望他们能够把维根打得毫无还手之力,但这确实是一场一边倒的比赛。Nobody expected them to slip up against Wigan Athletic and they duly cantered to victory in what was a one-sided contest.

宾克是所有恶作剧者嘲笑的对象,因为他毫无还手之力——用魔法还手,凭体力打架大家会认为你很野蛮。He was fair game for all the pranksters , because he couldn't strike back-not magically, and it was deemed crass to do it physically.

无独有偶,恰好家里另有一只小母猫却能制服它,经常是打它它不敢还手,咬它也不敢还口。Coincidentally, just a little cat at home and another was able to subdue it, hit it often can not fight it, bite it not also the mouth.

“必须要船,”尼古拉说,“而且不能租,他们大概正等着我们送上门,我们连还手的能力都没有。”"A boat, " said Nikolai."And not a rental. They're probably waiting for us to put ourselves in their hands, so there won't be a struggle."

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对手公司最后一招无疑击中了他的死穴,使他毫无还手之力。The last attack of his opponent company was nothing less than smiting him under the fifth rib, leaving him unable to make any counterattack.

在巴克利预备联赛北部赛区的竞赛中小红军们还手握两场竞赛,而布莱克本曾经踢完了全部赛事。The Reds have two games remaining in their section of the Barclays Premier Reserve League North-while Rovers have completed all their fixtures.

总是集火那些会还手的东西,因此你的头号目标应该是任何你遇到的脊刺爬行虫。Always start by shooting things that fight back! Thus your initial targets in each new infested area should be any Spine Crawlers you encounter.