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他讨吃要饭离家,腰缠万贯回归。He went away a beggar, returned a millionaire.

如果你认为你永远不会变得腰缠万贯,你猜怎么着?And if you believe you’ll never be rich, guess what?

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只把外国人看成腰缠万贯的简单形象是荒谬的。It is ludicrous to imagine that foreigners are just easy marks with fat purses.

韦尔逊老先生尹腰缠万贯,他准是掌握了什么点金术。Old Mr. Wilson is lousy with money. He must have possessed some sort of alchemy.

虽然,我们没有振臂一呼而应者云集的权力,也没有腰缠万贯的荣耀。Although we have not raised a call should be to gather the power of the wealthy and no glory.

他可能变得聪明了,不去卷入一场有着腰缠万贯对手的收购竞争。He, probably wisely, decided to avoid involvement in a bidding war against an opponent with deep-pockets.

他苦工作努力,10年就可成为合伙人,再有10年就可成为腰缠万贯的大富翁。If he works hard, he will become a shareholder at the tenth year, with another 10 years, he will be a zillionaire.

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人们应该静下心来想一想了,为什么家徒四壁的穷人比腰缠万贯的富豪更轻松、更自在?People should calm down to think about it, why destitute of the poor than wealthy rich easier and more comfortable?

和布拉特同场竞技的是一个高大英俊、风度翩翩的现代集团世家贵公子,腰缠万贯,养尊处优,仪态从容大方。Opposite him was a tall, handsome, graceful scion of the Hyundai family, wealthy and privileged and at ease with himself.

戴安娜·詹金斯或许得找个别的人什么来为自己腰缠万贯的银行家丈夫——罗杰·詹金斯买裤子,因为面容较好的戴安娜已经逃离英国,去加利福尼亚生活了。Diana Jenkins probably gets someone else to buy her husband’s pants, he being Roger Jenkins, the multi-millionaire banker.

老板们把工人们的工资历压得不能再低,而自己却腰缠万贯。While the workers' wage has been screwed down to the last cent, the bosses have plunged into the cashbox up to their elbows.

这个星球上第四大银行——雷曼兄弟公司的分崩离析震动了全球市场,也把一群腰缠万贯的资本金融家们拖下水。The collapse of Lehman Brothers, the world's fourth-largest bank, convulsed world markets and wrecked the fortunes of millionaire financiers.

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当人们看到苍老而丑陋的男人手挽着年轻美丽的女子漫步道旁,大多数都会设想此公腰缠万贯,便有大权在握。When an older, ugly man is seen walking down the road arm-in-arm with a young and beautiful woman, most people assume the man is rich or powerful.

美式足球运动员和美国棒球运动员也许并不比他们的前辈或其他项目的同行更诚实,但是今天对于腰缠万贯的他们来说,被金钱打动是很难的。American football and baseball players may not be more honest than their predecessors or counterparts. But at today’s prices, few can afford to tempt them.

社会关怀危机,不容你躲避逃逸,除非你早死,快死,或除非你腰缠万贯,除非你出生在一个慷慨大方,本事超强的家庭。Unless you die early and quickly, or are swaddled with vast amounts of cash and a big-hearted, capable family, the social care crisis is not to be shunned.

据西班牙媒体报道,腰缠万贯的西班牙阿尔巴女公爵在85岁高龄之际,签字放弃巨额财富,包括多座宫殿、价值连城的艺术珍宝、以及大片西班牙房产,只为嫁给心上人。her enormous wealth, string of palaces, priceless works of art and vast swathes of Spanish real estate to marry for love at 85, Spanish media has reported.

小银现在也明白了为什么马特苏先生会从一个腰缠万贯的体面人沦落为一个穷困潦倒的酒鬼,他的财产全都跑到魔鬼那了。She also now understood why it was commonly said of a Mr. Matsu, who had once been very rich but was now a poor sot, "His property has all gone to the Demons."

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大多中国太太都希望丈夫事业有成腰缠万贯,这样在与街坊邻居和亲朋好友攀比豪宅好车时,才不至于掉分。And many Chinese wives expect their husbands to be successful in their careers as they compete with neighbors and friends in terms of bigger houses and nicer cars.

三是腰缠万贯的徽商为画家们周游四方、拓宽胸臆、广交游、会画友提供了物质保障。Thirdly, with their great riches, they provided material guarantee for the painters to travel around, broadening their minds and communicating with other painters.

对于腰缠万贯的有钱人来说,预订产品没什么不可以,但对于其他人,在这个人口已经过多,奶牛头数也在增长的岛上,把规模做大也许是唯一的出路。Bespoke is fine for those with deep pockets. As for the rest, we live on a small, overpopulated island with a growing head count and for many big is the only way to go.