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也许下回我们就知道了。Next time, we may know.

我等下回信给你。I'll write you back later.

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谢谢你。下回中饭我请。Thank you. Next time lunch is on me.

我希望他下回能看这部影片。I hope he can see the movie next time.

下回我会敢于多犯些错误。I’d dare to make more mistakes next time.

下回可不能轻饶了你。We won't let you off so easily next time.

下回见,照顾好自己!See you next time, take good care guys! ! !

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下回小鸟审判,受审者为麻雀。The Sparrow's for trial, At next bird assizes.

下回鸟儿法庭,受审者为麻雀。The Sparrow's for trial, at next bird assizes.

共有五位洋基球员在他的投球下回到本垒。Five Yankees had run-scoring hits in the frame.

杰姆说,他估摸,下回我会信他的话。Jim said he reckoned I would believe him next time.

防火墙现在弄好了,敲下回车确认配置完成。The firewall is now active. Hit Return to finish setup.

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为避免一篇文章过长,且看下回分解。For avoiding a too long article, please read the next part.

副官敬了个礼,然后快速的走下回廊,报信去了。The lieutenant saluted and marched quickly down the corridor.

我们要讲的反歧视行动问题的探讨,下回分解。when we turn to the question of affirmative action next time.

要知端的,再听下回分解。Should know that side, and listen to the next time decomposition.

欲知后事如何,且听下回分解。If you want to know what happened afterwards, read the next chapter.

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答应我下回你来的时候一定要沿着葡萄酒庄园的路线到南澳大利亚去玩玩儿。Next time, promise me you'll get to South Australia, do the wine route.

团队激励的其他情况且听下回分解。Team incentives in situations other than sales jobs are discussed next.

希望你下回能上来就告诉我,你这个大嘴混蛋。Wish you would have told me that in the first place, ya big mouthed moron.