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这阳光是这样尊贵知礼。The sunshine is so gentle.

看哪!冠冕已给羔羊!荣耀、尊贵已归祂!Behold the Lamb with glory crowned!

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兰泊卫浴,尊贵您的卫浴生活!LANBOR, distinguished your bath living!

一下子寡妇会召见您的,尊贵的爵士。The widow will see you next, noble ser.

这膏油描绘出了基督的尊贵。The oil speaks of the majesty of Christ.

这才是人之为人的尊贵与崇高。Thus it makes the human honored and lofty.

欢迎尊贵的客户到工厂参观指导。Welcome valued customers to visit our factory.

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尊贵的希罗蒂,我们可不能怠慢了客人。Noble Herodias we are not mindful of our guests.

尊贵的客户,感谢您选择广州伊丽莎白妇产医院。Thank you for choosing Elizabeth Women's Hospital.

他在这三个勇士里是最尊贵的,所以作他们的首领。Abishai the brother of Joab was chief of the Three.

富亮家具,尊贵之至,心弛神往!Furniture-rich, noble thought, heart tense charmed!

他可以给尊贵,并可以证实,他们预言的人。He can give Dignities , and can confirm them unto Man.

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我将请一位特别尊贵的客人来家中吃晚餐。I am going to be playing host to a distinguished guest.

能够把自己压得低低的,那才是真正的尊贵。One being able to confine himself lowness is really noble.

为什么雅比斯被认为比其他弟兄更尊贵呢?Why was Jabez considered more honorable than his brothers?

人必将列国的荣耀尊贵归与那城。The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it.

本次宴会上一个尊贵的客人要回敬祝酒词。An honoured guest should return the toast later in the meal.

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尊贵的法王噶玛巴说,他是一位佛教徒、一位修行者。His holiness the Karmapa is a Buddhist and practices Buddhism.

金具有“刚柔、肃杀、尊贵”的意象。Kim has a "rigid-flexible, chill, distinguished, " the images.

谢谢大河大使阁下、尊贵的讨论会成员和客人们。Thank you Ambassador Okawara, distinguished panelists and guests.