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这是一种经济煤炉。This is an economical stove.

学生们围在煤炉旁边吃饭边取暖。Students eat huddled around makeshift coal burners for warmth.

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本实用新型公开了一种取暖煤炉的烟筒。The utility model discloses a chimney of a warming coal stove.

这栋旧房子内惟一的供热来源是个古老的煤炉。Thesource of heat in this old house was an archaic coal stove.

小屋厨房中的煤炉几乎没有热气,也热不了水。the coal stove in the kitchen yielded little hot water or heat.

这栋旧房子内惟一的供热来源是个古老的煤炉。The only source of heat in this old house was an archaic coal stove.

一座乡村校舍靠一种老式的大腹陶制煤炉取暖。The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned coal stove.

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小小的乡下校舍靠著一只老式的煤炉取暖。The little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned coal stove.

王的煤炉和锅炉燃烧由煤渣、木屑和秸杆特别成型的煤饼。Wang's stoves and boilers burn specially moulded briquettes of waste coal, wood and straw.

它可以应用在电磁炉、电炉、煤炉或煤气灶上。The pot can be applied to electromagnetic ovens, electric stoves, coal stoves or gas ranges.

在那些日子人们家庭使用煤炉,需求数千的烟囱清扫人清扫那些烟囱。During the days of coal fires in people's homes, thousands of sweeps were needed to clean the chimneys.

以前热激红斑通常都是在明火附近或者煤炉附近工作的病人身上发现。In the past, erythema ab igne was most commonly observed on patients who worked near open fires and coal stoves.

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没有自来水,没有暖气-有的只是一个煤炉和一个简易窝棚厕所。No running water, no heat- we had a coal stove and an outhouse and we mainly lived off of what we could kill or can.

本设计新产品可据燃煤炉出烟口径不同有多种规格。The utility model has various specifications according to the differences of the calibers of a smoke outlet of coal burning furnaces.

煤气若是从封上火的煤炉漏出,人体可以忍受时候,但人昏迷之后,不用很久就会死亡。The human system can hold out for a while against the gas from a leaking, damped-down coal stove, but soon after unconsciousness comes death.

随着现代工业的发展,锅炉由原始的燃煤炉向燃油和燃气炉的方向发展。With the development of modern industry, the boiler is developed in the direction of from the original coal-fired boiler to the Oil-fired boiler.

福琛还发现作坊里的其他地方,一个原先用来炒青的煤炉上烧了一锅浆糊,一个人正把一些明黄色的粉末加到锅子里去。Elsewhere in the factory, however, over the charcoal fires where the tea was roasted, Fortune discovered a man cooking a bright yellow powder into a paste.

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专业上叫做火激红斑的疾病已经在明火或煤炉之前工作患者的小腿上被观察到。The condition, technically called erythema ab igne, has been observed before on the lower legs of patients who worked in front of open fires or coal stoves.

临睡前,我在煤炉里加了几根炭,把门窗都关了,以为这样睡觉更舒服。Just before sleep, I added a few carbons in the coal furnace and guarded a gate windows to all close, thought that going to bed like this is more comfortable.

本实用新型特别适用于10吨以下采用自动炉排的中、小型煤炉的除尘。The utility model is especially suitable for the dust removal for the middle and minitype coal stoves less than 10 tons by which automatic grates are adopted.