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不带鱼网,别去鱼塘。Don't go to the fishpond without a net.

在绿荫如盖的树旁有一个鱼塘。There was a fish pond near the shady tree.

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假山和鱼塘更增添几分情趣!Stone hill and fish pond offer lots of fun!

来到鱼塘边,爸爸教我装上鱼饵。Come to the pond, my father taught me with bait.

这只是一趟半天的钓游,在美农的石甲鱼塘。This is just a half day fishing trip at Bedong Siakap pond.

鱼塘边的树上拴着家里的藏獒。Fish ponds edge of the tree leash their home Tibetan mastiff.

对一只罗非鱼来说,陈海平鱼塘里的环境挺适合生长。For a tilapia, Chen's farm is a pleasant enough place to grow up.

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倾盆大雨将当地一个机械厂变成一个巨大的鱼塘。The downpour transformed a local machinery factory into a huge pond.

刘伯权与其飞机驾驶员将其私家直升飞机开至鱼塘上空。Bo-right with his private helicopter pilot fish ponds open to the sky.

草基-鱼塘生态系统的能量转化与养分循环研究。Energy conversion and nutrient cycling in grassdyke-fish pond ecosystem.

在红河州某矿区周围的土壤、池塘、鱼塘采集若干土壤、水样品。The soil and water samples got from one of mining industry surroundings.

饲养员正在往鱼塘里撒喂大量鱼食。The stockman is spreading a great quantity of fish food into the fish pond.

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恢复鱼塘不仅仅是一个重建过去所拥有的设施的问题。Reviving the fishponds is not just a matter of rebuilding what was there before.

为此,他已将所有鱼塘挖得更深,可以比以前多养20%的鱼。To do that, Chen has made his ponds deeper, making room for 20 percent more fish.

陈海平鱼塘里的鱼就是在这家厂里进行加工的。This factory is where fish from farmer Chen Haiping's ponds will meet their maker.

他曾经在一个鳗鱼塘度过了6个月,成为了鳗鱼料理的专家。Once he had spent 6 months in the ells pond and then became a specialist in making eel.

丹田在鱼塘捞到一个药水樽,怀疑这与死鱼有关。Demonstrated in the pond to a potion bottles, suspected to be connected with the dead fish.

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大家都是冲着这个美丽鱼塘里的鱼来的,我们的鱼汤里的鱼也是取自于此。This beautiful pond is a source of fish for everyone here. Our fish soup was also caught here!

该系统以无线发射接收组件为核心,根据对鱼塘溶氧含量、噪声和温度的检测决定增氧机的启停。The paper point out that wireless chips is regarded as core of the automatic controlling system.

根据粮农组织的一项调查,亚齐4.4万公顷的鱼塘有一半以上遭到破坏。More than half of Aceh's 44 000 hectares of fishponds were destroyed, according to an FAO survey.