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整个行业莫不希望能如他所言。The entire industry hopes they do.

莫不为之鼓舞。There was no one who was uninspired.

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无论是运动、朋友、工作,还是其它事情,莫不如此。This goes for sports as well as friends, job, everything.

人生起起落落,爱情的游戏莫不如此。Life is all about ups and downs, and in turn so is the dating game.

宁肯孑然而自豪地独守信念,也莫不辨是非地随波逐流。Would rather pay and proudly faith alone, also is to go with the flow.

小镇的居民对处死杀人犯莫不拍手称快。The residents in the small town all welcome the execution of the killer.

面对言路莫不关心的态度,云天的妈妈简直是又恨又气。Facing their books is caring attitude, mother is simply hate again again.

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而青史之上,举大业者亦莫不有择于转折也。And, for the great cause above history would have in turn also choose also.

在这两起事件中,此刻让埃德温娜心情更沉重的莫不过于是丢失现金这一起了。Of the two events, the cash loss----at this moment----weighed more heavily on Edwina.

凡来陕西之游客,莫不以得到一件唐三彩制品而为快事。All visitors to Shaanxi think it a pleasure to have got articles of tri-coloured pottery.

有识之士莫不心焦如焚,极力探索救亡图存的真正出路。Insightful people who did not anxious Rufen, vigorously explore the true way to salvation.

它们协同工作,形态相似,我们身体的其他器官也莫不如此They work in concert and they all have similarities, the same with all of our other organs.

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凡来陕西的游客,莫不以得到一件唐三彩制品而为快事。All visitors to Shaanxi think it is a pleasure to have gotten articles of tri-color pottery.

古人游访嵩山太室,莫不以登峻极峰为美谈。Climbing Peak Junji was a must for ancient people who traveled to Mt. Taishi of Mt. Songshan.

这些交易所开业后的股票价格莫不飞涨,获利倍蓰。The stock prices of these exchanges rose qiuckly after opening , they profit times excavated.

从清代跨日治五十年,民间莫不称之「火烧岛」。Fifty years later, during the Japanese occupation, it was universally known as "Huo Shao Island."

我认为参议会不能也不能对这些严重侵犯人权的行为保持莫不关心。Idon'tthink the Council can or should remain indifferent to these serious violations of human rights.

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我这里不单指的是他的佛教题材的作品,他的其他题材的画作也莫不如是。I don't just refer to his Buddhist theme works, and his paintings of other subjects are also the case.

各自然村以参加为光荣,出钱出力莫不踊跃。The villages in order to participate in the glorious pitch in their efforts did not dare enthusiastic.

我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等都莫不如此。And the same is true of the common labourers as well as the great statesmen and thinkers in our country.