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每个人都应该公正无私,正大光明。Everybody should be fair and square.

这名法官执法公正无私。The judge dispenses the law without bias.

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法官最要紧的是公正无私。Impartiality is absolutely essential to a judge.

就业指导员向所有学生提供公正无私的建议。Careers officers offer impartial advice to all pupils.

即证人还必须是公正无私的。That is the witness must also be justness and selflessness.

这位法官公正无私,受到人们的信任。The judge is impartial and selfless. He is trusted by people.

一个裁判员必须公正无私而且具有敏锐的洞察力。An umpire must be an entirely disinterested but keen observer.

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愿我不自私自利,而是公正无私。May I not be selfish and self-possessive, but selfless and disinterested.

过去存于我内的天心也存于你内,因为上主创造时完全是公正无私的。The Mind that was in me is in you, for God creates with perfect fairness.

得到第一的人必须长期生活在世人公正无私的裁判之中。The people must be the first long-term living in the world of impartial referee.

如果神灵看不见,你们是否也会公正无私呢?And If God does not see what you are doing, would you still be so upright and selfless?

评委会将根据每一个节目的质量公正无私的评判所有比赛。The Jury will judge all the contestants with fairness, and judge according to the merits of each performance.

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理查德.戈德斯通已声称他们的团队是公正无私的,但是以色列是否给予配合还不明朗。Richard Goldstone has said his team will be impartial, but it is not yet clear whether Israel will co-operate.

科学方法要求人们超然独立、公正无私,因而它是自由文明的最美之花和最佳试金石。Because it requires detachment, disinterestedness , it is the finest flower and test of a liberal civilization.

要竞争就必须有一个既精通规则和裁判法,又公正无私的裁判员队伍,否则,各类各项运动的竞赛就无从谈起。Each kind of various contests of sport correlated with a referee team which master playing rules and has an fair manner.

向众议院发表讲话时,博考向选举他的同事表示感谢,并承诺会保持完全的公正无私。Addressing the House of Commons, Mr. Bercow thanked his colleagues for electing him and promised to be completely impartial.

陆法官现在阴间被公认为最公正无私及最受尊敬的法官之一﹐也很得阎罗王的信任。Judge Lu now was well known as one of the most impartial and honorable judges in the world of ghosts and had won the trust of the grand ruler.

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因此,在授权理论中,没有公正无私的决策人会是致命的一点,正像它也有可能违反正当程序规定一样。Thus, the absence of an impartial decision-maker may be fatal under the delegation doctrine , just as it may also violate the due process clause.

因此,应借鉴国外的先进做法,将采用强制侦查行为的决定权赋予中立的、公正无私的法官所享有。We should use overseas advanced means for reference and give the decisive right of forcible investigation to the neutral, righteous and selfless judiciaries.

必须确保消费者报告机构在履行其职责时是公正无私的,并尊重消费者的隐私权。There is a need to insure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumer's right to privacy.