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那人捉住一条琵琶鱼。The man caught an angler.

然后琵琶鱼闭上嘴。Then the angler closes her mouth.

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微风吹来失意的琵琶。The breezes brought dejected lutes.

他会弹琵琶。He knows how to play the Chinese lute.

就是那琵琶琴的小裂痕。It is the little rift within the lute.

我来这里是找“激怒琵琶鱼”的。I'm just here looking for angryanglers.

是啾啾的蟋蟀在跟你的琵琶应和!My cricket chirps against thy mandolin.

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这是你的姐姐的第六个琵琶,先生?。Is this your sister's sixth zither, sir?

随着我们的下潜,我们注意到了琵琶鱼。As we descend, we take note of the angler fish.

管弦乐和琵琶哀歌“南京!南京!”Nanking! Nanking! A Threnody for Orchestra and Pipa.

他弹一件类似琵琶的乐器为她伴奏。He accompanied her singing on a lute-like instrument.

程午加的琵琶作品及其音乐特色。Part 4 is devoted to his music works and music features.

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请放下你的琵琶,我的爱,让你的柔臂自由地把我拥抱。Lay down your lute, my love, leave your arms free to embrace me.

琵琶,在古代是所有弹弦乐器的总称。Lute was the general name for all Stradivarius in ancient times.

这是本人对这手挥琵琶演示的意见。This is my opinion about the application of Hand Strum the Lute.

琵琶鱼生活在深海中的琵琶鱼有十分奇特的一夫一妻制。Anglerfish This deep-sea fish takes monogamy to a bizarre new level.

背弹琵琶﹐仙音嘹扬。Some play lutes on the back, the fancied celestial music resounding.

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有些鱼甚至生活在海洋最深处,如琵琶鱼。Some even live in the deepest depths of the ocean, such as anglerfish.

琵琶是中国许多弹拨弦乐器中最受人欢迎的一种。The pipa is the most popular of China's many plucked stringed instruments.

报道了日本琵琶湖水环境的变化及现状。This paper laid out the changes and status of the environment of Lake Biwa.