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你那个是电子表吗?Is your watch digital.

这是一块电子表。This is a digital watch.

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打开提交的电子表单。Open the submitted e-form.

将数据输入电子表单。Enter data into the e-form.

限制对电子表单的访问Restricting access to the e-form

提交多签名的电子表单Submitting a multi-signature e-form

他们只能看懂电子表。They can only read the digital ones.

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在开始之前,您需要一个电子表单模板。Before starting, you need an e-form template.

输入用于存储新电子表单的文件夹名称。Enter the folder name to store the new e-form.

我不明白电子表有什么好处。I don't know what good an electronic watch would do.

输入将要发布的新电子表单的文件名。Enter the file name of the new e-form to be published.

现在第二个用户可以看到您提交的第一个电子表单了。Now the second user can see the first e-form you submitted.

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第二个提交的电子表单改写第一个提交的电子表单。The second submitted e-form overwrites the first submitted e-form.

使用用于发布电子表单的用户名和密码进行登录。Log in using the user name and password used to publish the e-form.

我们假设您是提交多签名电子表单的第一个用户。Let’s say that you're the first user to submit a multi-signature e-form.

注意,电子表单现在包含第一个和第二个用户的数据。Notice that the e-form now contains data from the first and second users.

笔式电子表单是一种基于笔式用户界面技术的电子表单软件。Pen-based e-form is thee-form software based on pen-based user interface.

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既然为电子表单设置了访问控制,就可以开始测试更改了。Now that you have set access control for the e-form, you can test your changes.

可以对整个电子表单记录进行存储和存档,并对数据进行分析以便重用。You can store and archive entire e-form records, and parse data for later reuse.

如果发布失败,将会得到一个对话框,说电子表单发布失败。If publication fails, you receive a dialog box saying the e-form has failed to publish.