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现在您需要导尿。You are going to have urine catheterization now.

未成功者采用开塞露纳肛方法及行留置导尿术。To adopt suggestion way in her mind to induce micturition.

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依据残余尿量多少进行间歇导尿。Intermission urethral catheterization was done according to residual urine.

保适妥治疗后发生尿潴留的患者可能需要自我导尿以排空膀胱。Those who develop urinary retention after Botox treatment may require self-catheterization to empty the bladder.

她被获准导尿、耻骨迅速启动抗病毒治疗,止痛、卧床休息。She was admitted for suprapubic catheterization and prompt commencement of antiviral therapy, analgesia and bed rest.

结论单向活瓣集尿袋能有效地降低留置导尿患者的尿路感染发生。CONCLUSIONS It is able to lower and reduce the infection rate by means of the one-directed-valve-urine-collection-bag.

目的预防和解除术后使用自控镇痛泵病人尿潴留,减少留置导尿的例数。Objective To prevent and release the postoperative urinary retention caused by PCA pump and avoid indwelling catheter.

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当怀疑有尿道损伤,在行导尿术之前,应先行逆行尿道造影。When a urethral injury is suspected, a retrograde urethrogram should be completed before catheterization is performed.

无创导尿是实验外科研究的常用方法,小型猪常规留置导尿比较困难。Urethral catheterization is an important technic in animal surgical experiments. It is difficult to catheterize in pigs.

在性生活活跃的妇女,老年女性,或是进行到导尿及侵入式尿道操作的女性中发病率较高。Sexually active young women, elderly persons and those undergoing genitourinary instrumentation or catheterization are at risk.

目的观察盐酸丁卡因胶浆在尿潴留患者导尿术一次性成功中的作用。Objective To observe tetracaine hydrochloride mortar on urinary retention in patients with catheterization in a one-time success.

目的了解术前导尿环境对手术患者心身状况的影响,为实施人性化护理提供理论依据。Objective To evaluate the effect of lubricative analgesic glue in urethral catheterizations for patients with prostatic hyperplasia.

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结论建议在前列腺增生尿潴留患者导尿术中常规使用盐酸丁卡因胶浆。Conclusion For retention in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia catheterization, conventional use of tetracaine mortar is good.

目的观察利多卡因、石腊油用于前列腺增生患者导尿的临床效果。Objective To survey the effect of lidocaine and liquid paraffin used in urinary catheterization for patients with hyperplastic prostate.

目的探讨老年女性患者留置导尿过程中,气囊注水量对留置效果的影响。Objective To explore the role of quantity of saline injected into catheter gasbag in the effect of indwelling catheter in the old female patients.

经膀胱导尿被用来监测尿排出量,并可观察有无血尿,而血尿常提示生殖泌尿系损伤。Catheterization of the bladder is required to monitor urine output and to inspect for hematuria, which may indicate associated genitourinary injury.

论改良组能提高导尿一次成功率,尤其适用于伴有前列腺增生症患者。Conclusion Telescopic saccule urinary catheter can increase the one-time success rate, especially for those complicated with hyperplasia of prostate.

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对138例留置导尿患者进行了预见性护理,效果良好,有效的减少了并发症的发生。We have carried on foresighted nursing to 138 example catheterization patient, the effect is good, effectively reduce the incidence of complications.

目的探讨如何有效地预防颅脑外伤昏迷病人留置导尿后出现尿路感染的措施。Objective To study the measures of preventing urinary tract infections for patients of craniocerebral trauma's exanimation with indwelling catheterization.

目的探讨腰椎牵引术后病人引起尿潴留的原因与减少导尿机率的护理对策。Objective To probe the cause of uroschesis after lumbar vertebrae traction and the nursing countermeasures decreasing the times of urethral catheterization.